


Generate embedded file lists for directories. LVbag can serve as an occasional helper with static directories or become a part of the build process to assist in embedding dynamic files

Usage: lvb [flags] [commands] <path>

A large and handy file bag for V. It simplifies carrying files with your programs
by generating embed file lists for directories based on your specifications.

  -o    --output       The output file name. If none is set, the result is printed to stdout.
  -a    --append       Append the result to the output file.
  -f    --force        Overwrite the output file if it already exists.
  -I    --ignore       Ignore the paths in the target directories if they contain these strings.
  -r    --regex        Treat the ignore string as a regex pattern.
  -h    --hidden       Include hidden files.
  -bag  --lv_bag       The name of the handbag variable [default: `lv_bag`].
  -mod  --mod_name     Specify the module name used in the output.
  -v    --verbose      Enable extended information prints.
        --skip-format  Skip formatting of the output file.
        --help         Prints help information.
        --version      Prints version information.

  help                 Prints help information.
  version              Prints version information.


Usage Examples

App examples

Simple Application examples that utilize this tool can be found in the <kbd>.examples/</kbd> directory.

An example application that uses LVbag to embed the files of a dynamic npm build output is emoji-mart-desktop


To compile the app yourself, clone the repository and build the release version.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ttytm/LVbag.git
cd LVbag

# Install dependencies - LVB uses PCRE
v install --once

# Build and run as usual in development
v run .

# Build the release version
v -cc gcc -prod -o lvb .