

Control Surface Motor Fader

Motorized fader example code for Arduino using tttapa/Control-Surface.

Documentation: https://tttapa.github.io/Pages/Arduino/Control-Theory/Motor-Fader/


Demo video

<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5vZXO6RVjA"><img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/j5vZXO6RVjA/maxresdefault.webp" alt="Arduino - Control Surface - Motorized Fader Demo" width="600"></a><br> https://youtu.be/j5vZXO6RVjA </div>


  1. Install the Control Surface library (installation instructions)
  2. Download the .ZIP file using the green <kbd>Code</kbd> button on the home page of this repository
  3. Extract it to a convenient location on your computer
  4. Open the Arduino IDE
  5. Use <kbd>Ctrl+O</kbd> or use the File > Open ... menu
  6. Browse to the Control-Surface-Motor-Fader-master/Motor-Controller folder you just extracted and open the Motor-Controller.ino file
  7. Select the Arduino UNO or Nano in the Tools > Board menu and select the correct port
  8. Use <kbd>Ctrl+U</kbd> to compile and upload the code to the Arduino

Similarly, you can open and upload the MIDI-Controller sketch to a MIDI-capable Arduino such as the Leonardo.