

<hr> <p align="center"> <img src="design/logo/cascade-logo-full.png" width="500"> </p> <h3 align="center"> node-based image editor </h3> <hr> <div align="center"> Welcome to the Cascade project!

Usage - Quickstart - Building from Source - Contributing - Documentation

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Features at a glance


Cascade is free software. If you want to try it out, get started here.

If you want to get involved or have questions, please join our Discord and see the page about contributing.


Cascade is written in C++ and runs on Windows and Linux. You will need a Vulkan-compatible GPU to run the software.

The GUI was created in Qt and all rendering is done on the GPU through Vulkan with GLSL as shading language.

For IO and color space conversion we are using OpenImageIO/OpenColorIO.

Multithreaded computations on the CPU are done with TBB.