

Clover Bootloader for Gigabyte Z390 M Gaming Build

This guide is now deprecated

I have moved my bootloader from Clover to OpenCore. The current guide can is at https://github.com/tspng/gigabyte-z390-m-gaming-opencore

Tested only with macOS Mojave Version 10.14.6.


BIOS Settings

  1. Load optimized defaults
  2. Chipset -> Internal Graphics: Enabled
  3. M.I.T -> Advanced Memory Settings -> Extreme Memory Profile: Profile1

Adjust boot sequence and fan settings to your liking.


TODO: add some explanation

What Works


iGPU acceleration

Initially, there was a bug when opening images with Preview or using QuickLook. It looks like macOS uses the integrated GPU (iGPU) to render these images and if that's not present, it won't work. After some testing, I could enable the iGPU with the following settings:

Shutdown fix

At first shutdown didn't work, it always rebooted instead. The following changes fixed it for me:

Aptio Fixes

Do not use OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000 which many guides recommend for this motherboard.