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npm install astro-particles


yarn add astro-particles

How to use

import Particles from "astro-particles"
import type { ISourceOptions } from "tsparticles-engine";

const options: ISourceOptions = {
    background: {
        color: "#000"
    fullScreen: {
        zIndex: -1
    particles: {
        number: {
            value: 100
        move: {
            enable: true

    import { type Container, type Engine, tsParticles } from "tsparticles-engine";
    import { loadFull } from "tsparticles";

    // the function name is the parameter passed to the init attribute
    // required
    // add the function to window is mandatory, it will be searched there
    window.particlesInit = async function (engine: Engine) {
        await loadFull(engine);
    // the function name is the parameter passed to the loaded attribute
    // optional
    // add the function to window is mandatory, it will be searched there
    window.particlesLoaded = function (container: Container) {
        console.log("particlesLoaded callback");

<Particles id="tsparticles" options={options} init="particlesInit" />


idstringThe id of the element.
initstringThe name of the function to call when the particles instance is ready.
loadedstringThe name of the function to call when the particles are loaded.
optionsobjectThe options of the particles instance.
urlstringThe remote options url, called using an AJAX request


Find all configuration options here.

You can find sample json configurations here 📖


Preset demos can be found here

There's also a CodePen collection actively maintained and updated here

Report bugs and issues here

tsParticle Website