

Remote control

This is a simple remote control program, intended to allow to run specific (configured) commands, on the computer where the server runs, from a device where the client runs.

Both client and server uses twisted to communicate, so python and twisted are necessary on both.


The server reads from the shellserver.cfg file in the directory it was started from. The main section is the [commands] one, which list the available commands by name, e.g:


to each command must correspond a section of the same name:

command=vlc some_internet_playlist.m3u

Commands can define parameters the user will be able to input from the interface.


will automatically add a TextInput on the line of the command button, and the value will be passed to the command. Currently, only str is managed, but it can be extended if need arise.

If the config file is changed, the server will reload the it automatically.


Client needs to connect to the ip/port of the server (server listen to port 1234 by default). When connected, the list of commands is retrieved, and the buttons are created.

The client feature a mouse control, which works a bit like a touchpad, with buttons to click on the right, and a slider to control sensibility on the fly.


Remote Control uses:

Icon/splashscreen comes from http://www.clker.com/clipart-10591.html and is licenced as CC0