

TSERS Examples

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cd examples
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This tutorial is a quick walk through to TSERS architecture and its best practices (at least in author's opinion).

This tutorial assumes that you've read the TSERS core concepts and have understanding about RxJS. The purpose of this tutorial is not to give teach you to program with observables. There are many great introductions and full length books covering that topic already. One good online introduction can be found from here.

All tutorial codes can be found under the tutorial folder. Running the tutorials can be done by using terminal:

git clone https://github.com/tsers-js/examples.git
cd examples
npm i && npm run tutorial <tutorial-name>    # e.g. npm run tutorial 01-hello-world

Happy learning!

Hello TSERS! Signals, transforms and interpreters

In TSERS, your application is divided roughly into two parts: signal transform function and interpreters.

The signal transform function, main, contains the actual application logic of your application. main is just a pure function that takes input signals in and transforms them into output signals. The purpose of main is to define the application logic and interactions in an explicit and declarative (functional) way so that the application doesn't need to know about implementation details of low-level things like DOM rendering or HTTP request formats,

Interpreters are the bridge between the application logic and computer: they read the application output signals and interpret them, causing effects like DOM rendering, interpreter's internal state changing or HTTP request sending. The purpose of the interpreters is to abstract the external world so that the application doesn't need to care whether e.g. it's virtual dom is rendered to the actual DOM (client) or to html string (server) or what kind of transport method (HTTP, WS, something else) is being used.

Signals are the backbone of TSERS applications. They are the only way to transfer information between application, sub-applications and interpreters. Signals in TSERS are modeled by using (RxJS) observables. Because JavaScript functions can return only single value, all TSERS applications return also one stream of output signals (= one observable). However, usually applications produce multiple types of signals (DOM, WebSocket messages, model state changes...). That's why TSERS have two core concepts: multiplexing and de-multiplexing. Multiplexing (in future muxing) is merging multiple signal streams into one stream of signals so that different type of signals are identifiable from other signals. De-multiplexing (in future demuxing) is the reverse process for mux - it allows to "extract" different type of signals from the muxed stream (note that demux(mux(signals)) == signals).

But enough talk! Let's see how it looks like in code. Let's create a simple Hello World application with TSERS:

import {Observable as O} from "rx"
import TSERS from "@tsers/core"
import ReactDOM from "@tsers/react"

// define our application
function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, mux} = signals
  const {h} = DOM 

  const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(O.just(
    h("div", [
      h("h1", "Tsers!")

  return mux({
    DOM: vdom$

// attach interpreters and start the app
TSERS(main, {
  DOM: ReactDOM("#app")

Okay, lots of stuff there! Let's go it through line by line.

First we want to import the resources we need: RxJS Observable functions, TSERS runtime (core) and DOM interpreter (that uses React internally). The imported TSERS and ReactDOM are just normal JavaScript functions that can be used to initialize the application.

Then we define our application logic, the signal transform function main. Note that main takes one parameter: (input) signals and transforms. The parameter is always an object containing core transforms mux and demux and also signals/transforms from the attached interpreters. Now because we are using DOM interpreter, we have also DOM in the signals. Each interpreter may define its own signals and transforms. DOM interpreter provides the following ones: h, prepare and events.

In this example we are using h and prepare. h is just a hyperscript helper function that can be used to create virtual dom elements. prepare is a function that "prepares" the produced virtual dom stream so that it can produce events (described later) and so that the DOM interpreter understands the DOM output signals produced by the application.

Now that we know the meaning of h and prepare, we can create our vdom$ signal stream: const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(O.just(h(...))) Note that prepare expects an observable so we must wrap the virtual dom with Observale.just(...).

Finally we must return output signals from our application. This time we are lucky: we have only DOM type signals. However, we want to sure that our application scales later, we must multiplex the output signals so that we can add signals with different type later. Multiplexing can be done by using core transform function mux that can be found from the signals parameter. The contract of mux is simple: give the signals you want to multiplex and place them into an object so that object keys represent the type of the muxed signals. And that's it. Now we want to mux only DOM type signals so we define an object with DOM as key and vdom$ signals as value and pass that object to mux.

After everything else is done, we must start the application. That can be done by using TSERS function from the @tser/core package. It takes two arguments: the application main function and interpreters that'll be attached to the application. The interpreters are defined as an object where object keys identify the individual interpreters. Note that we are using the same DOM key to define our interpreter as we are using in our application code. Behind that DOM key, we are using ReactDOM interpreter implementation: ReactDOM is a factory function that creates the actual interpreter that renders the DOM under the given HTML element (#app in this example).

And that's it! Your first application with TSERS!

User events as signals

Okay. UI application is not very useful without any user actions. Let's add some interaction to our application!

In TSERS, UI actions are nothing more that signal transformations: now that you have a virtual dom signals, wouldn't it be logical to derive some user event signals from those virtual dom signals? That's what we're doing next.

Remember that you "prepared" the vdom stream by using DOM.prepare in the previous section? Prepared vdom streams, you see, are able to emit user events by using DOM.events transform. DOM.events takes three parameters: the prepared virtual dom stream, CSS selector that must match the elements you want to listen and the event type (e.g. click, change, input...) you want to listen.

Let's add a button to our main and listen to its click events:

function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, mux} = signals
  const {h} = DOM 

  const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(O.just(
    h("div", [
      h("h1", "Tsers!"),
      h("button.btn", "Click me!")
+ const click$ = DOM.events(vdom$, ".btn", "click")

  return mux({
    DOM: vdom$

Hmmm, nothing happened?! That's because we are not using those click events anywhere in our application. Let's make those clicks to add ! to your message every time when the button is clicked!

Now you may notice a problem: in order to get click$, you must have vdom$, but in order to modify vdom$ you must have click$. What to do? Luckily TSERS provides another helper transform: loop.

loop is a way to loop signals from "end" back to "beginning". It takes two arguments: input$ and loopFn. input$ is the input signal stream that comes outside the loop. loopFn is the function that run inside the loop - it receives input$ signals as parameter and must return an array [output$, loop$] where output$ signals are passed out from the loop and loop$ signals are brought back and merged to input$ signals.

Although the concept may sound difficult, the actual usage is not. Let's apply loop to our application:

function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, mux, loop} = signals
  const {h} = DOM

  const initialText$ = O.just("Tsers").shareReplay(1)
  const vdom$ = loop(initialText$, text$ => {
    const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(text$.map(text =>
      h("div", [
        h("h1", text),
        h("button", "Click me!")

    const click$ = DOM.events(vdom$, "button", "click")
    const updatedText$ = click$
      .withLatestFrom(text$, (_, text) => text + "!")
    return [vdom$, updatedText$]

  return mux({
    DOM: vdom$

First we define the initial text and pass it to the loop as input. Then we can use the input signals as text for our virtual dom. When clicks happen, they take the latest value of the text and add ! into that value. The updated text signals are looped back as text$ stream values so that the virtual dom is re-created every time when the text changes. The created vdom$ stream is passed out from the loop so that we can mux and return it to the interpreters.

Phew! That was a bit more complicated, wasn't it? If you didn't get it yet, don't panic. Read the section again few times and it'll begin to open. :smile: And don't worry about the complexity. This section was to introduce you some basic concepts of TSERS. The actual state handling in idiomatic TSERS can be done much easier way as you'll notice in the next part of this tutorial. :wink:

Putting the application state inside Model interpreter

The loop function was a little bit overwhelming? I think so too. Fortunately it's just signal processing so we can externalize it. :wink: And that's why TSERS provides the Model interpreter fot the job! It basically does all that looping stuff and provides a nice interface to access the state and to modify it.

Let's attach a model interpreter with some initial value:

import TSERS from "@tsers/core"
import ReactDOM from "@tsers/react"
import Model from "@tsers/model"

// ...

TSERS(main, {
  DOM: ReactDOM("#app"),
  model$: Model("Tsers")      // use initial value "Tsers"

Listening the state changes

Now the state lives in the model interpreter model$ which is just an observable that you can use like any other observable in TSERS:

function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, model$: text$, mux} = signals
  const {h} = DOM

  const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(text$.map(text =>
    h("div", [
      h("h1", text)

  return mux({
    DOM: vdom$

Not bad, huh? Let's go forward!

Modifying the state

Now you know how to listen to the state changes. Let's take a look how to modify it.

Model interpreter accepts state changes as modify output signals. A modify output signal is an observable of functions currentState => newState. But like with DOM interpreter, those modify functions must be prepared so that the model interpreter can understand them. That's why model interpreter provides mod transform that does the conversion. Let's make the text editable!

import {Observable as O} from "rx"

export default function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, model$: text$, mux} = signals
  const {h} = DOM

  const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(text$.map(text =>
    h("div", [
      h("h1", text),
      h("button", "Click me!")

  const click$ = DOM.events(vdom$, "button", "click")
  const updateMod$ = text$.mod(
    click$.map(() => text => text + "!")

  return mux({
    DOM: vdom$,
    model$: updateMod$

Looks very similar what you've already done with DOM interpreter? It should be, it's just signal processing - it's TSERS!

Although the previous example might look a bit overwhelming at the first glance, don't worry. Once you learn that, the hardest part is over. Basically all TSERS applications (regardless how complex they are) reduce into same primitive operations - knowing how to create simple applications with TSERS is knowing how to create complext apps as well!

Accessing sub-states by using lenses

Now you know how to create an application with TSERS. Let's see next, how to create complex applications by composing your "simple" TSERS applications.

Because TSERS applications are just pure signal transform functions, you can call them inside other signal transform functions (applications) like any other function! However, usually might you want the the "sub-application" sees only a part of the "global state" so that modifications to that sub-state reflect also to the global state.

That's why TSERS model interpreter provides the lens transform. It creates exactly same model interpreter instance as the parent model but so that the "lensed model" sees only the lensed part of the state.

Internally lens uses partial.lenses. In order to understand lenses better, you have to take a look at partial.lenses docs. For now you can just treat them like property getters const a = model$.lens("a").

Let's see how we could create two hello world texts that append ! every time when the application's button is clicked.

First we have to change the initial state for our interpreter so that instead of string (text), it contains an object of two strings (texts):

TSERS(main, {
  DOM: ReactDOM("#app"),
  model$: Model({hello: "Hello", world: "Tsers"})

Then let's create new application main and use our Hello.js main implementation so that we create a sub-model for both hello and world property and use them as a model for the Hello application:

import Hello from "./Hello"

function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, model$, mux, demux} = signals
  const {h} = DOM

  const hello$ = Hello({...signals, model$: model$.lens("hello")})
  const world$ = Hello({...signals, model$: model$.lens("world")})

  const [{DOM: helloDOM$}, helloRest$] = demux(hello$, "DOM")
  const [{DOM: worldDOM$}, worldRest$] = demux(world$, "DOM")
  const rest$ = O.merge(helloRest$, worldRest$)

  const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(O.combineLatest(helloDOM$, worldDOM$,
    (helloDOM, worldDOM) =>
      h("div", [
        helloDOM, worldDOM

  return mux({DOM: vdom$}, rest$)

Okay, there are few new things that we haven't covered yet. First, notice that we are using our Hello like any other function: we pass the parent's input signals to it but also override model$ signals so that the Hello applications don't see the whole parent state but only a part of it (hello and world properties).

The second new thing is demuxing. As you know, TSERS applications return a stream of output signals. Hello is no exception, so we can capture the output signals to variables hello$ and world$. However, those output signals contain both DOM signals and model$ signals. We are only interested in DOM signals (so that we can combine them and insert them into parent's vdom) so we need to demux the output signals. TSERS provide a core function demux that takes the signal stream and list of keys ("DOM" in the example) that'll be demuxed and returns the demuxed signals as an object by their keys and rest of the signals that were not demuxed. In ES6, you can destructure the return value so that you don't need to keep any intermediate values (if you don't want).

The vdom$ construction part should have nothing new - we just combine the DOM signals from the child components and use their latest values to construct the parent's DOM output signals.

The last new thing is that we are passing rest$ stream as a second parameter to the mux transform. Yes. If you wouldn't, then the output signals (i.e. state modifications) from child components would reach the interpreters, resulting that nothing happens although the UI buttons are clicked.

Congrats! Your first composed "complex" application is ready! And as you can see, there was no changes to the original Hello component at all! That's the true fractal architecture by design! At this point, there is nothing new for you to learn: onwards, it's just repeating these patterns and composing them in order to create bigger and more complex applications.

Processing list states by using lenses (again)

Mapping a list model to an observable of output signals

Lists are a little bit more complicated thing... just kidding! With TSERS, list processing is almost as easy as processing a predefined number of nested components.

What is "list state"? It's an observable emitting events that contain arrays with arbitrary number of items. If those items having an unique key (e.g. id), TSERS model interpreter provides mapListById transform that makes the list processing extremely easy.

Conceptually mapListById is almost like (but bumped with steroids :muscle:):

list$.map(items => items.map(item => fn(item.id, item)))

The transform function that is passed to mapListById should invoke some (child) application function and return the output signals from the child application. The transformer function receives item id as a first parameter and the lensed item state as a second parameter.

The code is far more simpler than the explanation. Let's create a list of Hello world applications! First we need to modify the initial state of our model interpreter:

TSERS(main, {
  DOM: ReactDOM("#app"),
  model$: Model([
    {id: nextId(), text: "Hello"},
    {id: nextId(), text: "Tsers"}

function nextId() {
  window.__ID = window.__ID || 0
  return ++window.__ID

Note that list items must have an unique id property, thus we're using the nextId helper function.

Now let's try to use mapListById in order to render the Hello sub-applications for those list items.

function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, model$, mux} = signals
  const {h} = DOM

  const children$$ = model$.mapListById((id, item$) =>
    Hello({...signals, model$: item$.lens("text")}))
  // ...

Note that item$ is a model that can be passed to child application directly as a model interpreter. Hello application expects the model to be a string (text value) so we need to get the text property by using lens (should be nothing new here, huh?).

Extracting values from output signal arrays

Well.. now you have an observable that contains a list of child application output signals. But how to extract those signals? demux doesn't work because we are dealing list of signals. Luckily TSERS have another core transform for this kind of situation: demuxCombined!

demuxCombined has the same API contract as demux but instead of bare output signals, demuxCombined handles a list of output signals. The name already implies the extraction strategy: after the output signals are extracted by using the given keys, their latest values are combined by using Observable.combineLatest, thus resulting an observable that produces a list of latest values from the extracted output signals. Rest of the signals are flattened and merged by using Observable.merge so the return value of demuxCombined is identical with demux (hence can be used in the same way when muxing child signals to parent's output signals).

Let's see how to use demuxCombined in practice and finish our example:

function main(signals) {
  const {DOM, model$, mux, demuxCombined} = signals
  const {h} = DOM

  const children$$ = model$.mapListById((id, item$) =>
    Hello({...signals, model$: item$.lens("text")}))

  const [{DOM: childDOMs$}, rest$] = demuxCombined(children$$, "DOM")

  const vdom$ = DOM.prepare(childDOMs$.map(childDOMs =>
    h("div", [
      ...childDOMs.map((vdom, idx) =>
      h("div", [
        h("button.rm", {"data-idx": idx}, "Remove")
      h("button.add", "Add new greeting!")

  const addMod$ = DOM.events(vdom$, ".add", "click")
    .map(() => items => [...items, {id: nextId(), text: "Tsers"}])
  const rmMod$ = DOM.events(vdom$, ".rm", "click")
    .map(e => Number(e.target.getAttribute("data-idx")))
    .map(idx => items => items.filter((_, i) => i !== idx))

  const mod$ = model$.mod(O.merge(addMod$, rmMod$))

  return mux({
    DOM: vdom$,
    model$: mod$
  }, rest$)

As you can see, using demuxCombined is quite straightforward: it takes the result of mapListById as a first parameter and after that the "extracted" signal keys just like demux. The only difference is that the extracted streams contain arrays (like childDOMs) instead of scalar values.

The rest of the application should contain nothing new.

And that's it! Now you know how to create complex apps with TSERS. The rest is just composing and combining the basic cases we just covered. If you didn't get it now, don't worry - read this tutorial again (and again) and take a look at the other examples too. It might take some time to learn these all new things like (de)muxing, signals, lenses and modifications but it's definitely worth it!

If you have any more questions or problems, please join to the TSERS Gitter chat room. Let's continue the discussion there!
