

#rTsd Logo

Road to Surface Duo Xamarin App (#rTsd)

This is a forever work in progress Xamarin.Forms Android project which is intended to feature most of the new features that makes the upcoming Microsoft Surface Duo phone unique. It will use the awesome German Dr. Windows as data source for its articles.


This is neither an offical Dr. Windows app nor anything other than a highly motivated playground to dive deep into the Xamarin.Forms ecosystem with a dedicated usecase in mind.

It will target only Android devices and it's meant to include all other aspecs of Xamarin development such as a configurared continuous integration and analytics powerd by the Azure App Center.

This project is written and owned by a beginner and meant for beginners. It would be perfect if experts could mentor the project - but this is just a mind in the clouds.

If you are looking for the siblings app that's based on the UWP ecosystem to work with the Surface Neo, please see the GitHub repository tscholze/uwp-road-to-surface-neo. This project is currently on hold due to some emulator requirements that I cannot fulfill at the ment.

Build status

AppCenterBuild status
Azure DevOpsBuild Status
Sonar CloudQuality Gate Status


AppCenterClick to download



Xamarin.Forms container that includes all shared functionality and features.


Android wrapper and platform-specifc implementations like custom rendereres, effects or assets.





Other programms I used


UI concepts

I'm not a skilled user interface designer nor I have an eye for beauty, but the app should look mostly like the following concepts.

<center><img src="docs/ui-protoypes.png" height="300" /></center>

App screenshots

Running on a Microsoft Surface Duo

<center><img src="docs/ui-app-duo.jpg" height="500" /></center>

I used the free, but required an Adobe ID, application Adobe XD to create the protoyp views.

Decisions made

Keep in mind

This app is purely build for having fun! All features have room for improvements or could be done more elegant. This app was and will be never meant to run in production-like environments.


Feel free to improve the quality of the code. It would be great to learn more from experienced C#, Xamarin and Azure developers. Please use the "default" workflow of contributing to this project.

  1. Open an issue and describing your idea or bug finding
  2. Fork repository
  3. Fix bug / add enhancement in well named feature branch with issue number (e.g. user.name/2-added-app-icon)
  4. Add the issue number to your commit message (e.g. #2 Added new app icon)
  5. Create pull request (PR) from your feature branch to this master branch
  6. Please keep in touch with your PR to answer upcoming questions
  7. If your PR got merged, check if you are listed in the "Authors" section of the readme

Special thanks to


Just me, Tobi.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Dependencies or assets maybe licensed differently.