

Download Images/Media from your choice of Subreddit!

Using this script:

PS: Automatic wallpaper setting from downloaded images and support for python v2.x has been removed in latest update. Feature will be added back soon(~1 week). Please use the old version if you absolutely need that feature.

No Dependencies! Just Download and Run!

Just download the files and run the file - no need to setup anything at all!

To download via Terminal:

git clone https://github.com/tsarjak/WallpapersFromReddit.git

# Next step is Fully Optional - to use tqdm progress bar. Without this, native progress bar will show up with exact same features, just a little less pretty.
pip install tqdm

To run the code

In terminal:

# In the Home Directory or the Directory in which you cloned/downloaded the script
cd ~/DownloadRedditImages
python download.py 
  --subreddit <your choice of subreddit> 
  --sort_type <hot|new|rising|top> 
  --sort_time <all|year|month|week|day>
  --download_dir <Directory where you want to store the images. For Max/Linux, the script can identify home directory and sets a RedditMedia folder there. For Windows, a path MUST be provided>
  --max_post_downloads <Maximum number of posts media to download. Default=10>
  --max_simultaneous_downloads <Maximum number of simultaneous downloads to run using multiple CPU cores. Default=16.>
  --max_trials <Maximum number of trials to fetch subreddit data. Sometimes the response is slow and multiple attempts are needed. Default=20.>


python download.py --subreddit pics --sort_type top --sort_time all --max_post_downloads 40 --download_dir /Users/user_me/Pictures/RedditMedia/
# This will download top 50 posts of all time from earthporn subreddit to /Users/user_me/Pictures/RedditMedia folder.


v2.1.1 - Dec 11, 2022:

v2.1.0 - Dec 10, 2022:

v2.0.0 - April 1, 2021:

Grab the previous release here! For wallpaper and python v2.x support.

DownloadRedditImages v2.0.0 - https://github.com/tsarjak/WallpapersFromReddit/releases/tag/v2.0.0