

Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.6

Semantics-guided Part Attention Network

This is the pytorch implementatin of Semantics-guided Part Attention Network (SPAN)


Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network <br/> Tsai-Shien Chen, Chih-Ting Liu, Chih-Wei Wu, and Shao-Yi Chien <br/> European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Oral, 2020 <br/> [Paper Website] [arXiv]


If you use SPAN, please cite this paper:

    title        = {Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network},
    author       = {Chen, Tsai-Shien and Liu, Chih-Ting and Wu, Chih-Wei and Chien, Shao-Yi},
    booktitle    = {European Conference on Computer Vision},
    pages        = {330--346},
    year         = {2020},
    organization = {Springer}

Visualization Example

We visiualize some examples of vehicle images and their

<p align="center"><img src='figures/example.png'></p>

Get Started


$ git clone https://github.com/tsaishien-chen/SPAN.git
$ cd SPAN
$ sed -i 's/==/>=/g' requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


To train the model from scratch, please run

$ python3 main.py --mode train --image_root <Path_to_VeRi>

For example,

$ python3 main.py --mode train --image_root ../Dataset/VeRi

The whole training process includes five steps:

  1. generating the foreground masks by grabcut,
  2. training network to generate more robust foreground mask,
  3. generating the foreground masks by deep learning network,
  4. training network to generate part (front, rear and side) attention mask, and
  5. generating part attention masks.


We have given the pretrained model of part attention generator; </br> therefore, you can simply generate the part attention mask without training by

$ python3 main.py --mode implement --image_root <Path_to_VeRi>

For example,

$ python3 main.py --mode implement --image_root ../Dataset/VeRi


After training and implementation process, the code will automatically visualize generated masks as above. </br> Or, you can uncomment the visualize function in main.py and can independently visualize the masks after being generated in each step.


Tsai-Shien Chen, Media IC and System Lab, National Taiwan University </br> E-mail : tschen@media.ee.ntu.edu.tw