

Discriminant Analysis

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DiscriminantAnalysis.jl is a Julia package for multiple linear and quadratic regularized discriminant analysis (LDA & QDA respectively). LDA and QDA are distribution-based classifiers with the underlying assumption that data follows a multivariate normal distribution. LDA differs from QDA in the assumption about the class variability; LDA assumes that all classes share the same within-class covariance matrix whereas QDA relaxes that constraint and allows for distinct within-class covariance matrices. This results in LDA being a linear classifier and QDA being a quadratic classifier.

The package is currently a work in progress work in progress - see issue #12 for the package status.

Getting Started

A bare-bones implementation of LDA is currently available but is not exported. Calls to the solver must be prefixed with DiscriminantAnalysis after running using DiscriminantAnalysis. Below is a brief overview of the API:

The script below demonstrates how to fit an LDA model to some synthetic data using the interface described above:

using DiscriminantAnalysis
using Random

const DA = DiscriminantAnalysis

# Generate two sets of 100 samples of a 5-dimensional random normal 
# variable offset by +1/-1
X = [randn(250,5) .- 1;
     randn(250,5) .+ 1];

# Generate class labels for the two samples
#   NOTE: classes must be indexed by integers from 1 to the number of 
#         classes (2 in this case)
y = repeat(1:2, inner=250);

# Construct the LDA model
model = DA.lda(X, y; dims=1, canonical=true, priors=[0.5; 0.5])

# Generate some new data
Z = rand(10,5) .- 0.5

# Get the posterior probabilities for new data
Z_prob = DA.posteriors(model, Z)

# Get the class predictions
Z_class = DA.classify(model, Z)