

On the Importance of Denoising when Learning to Compress Images

Reference implementation in PyTorch, forking Manypriors and nind_denoise

All python code is expected to be run from within one of themain project sub-directories (dc, compression, nind_denoise). The code specific to the joint denoising and compression project is located in src/dc/; the python interpreter is expected to run from there.


Python pip:

pip3 install cffi
pip3 install python-pytorch-msssim tqdm matplotlib scipy scikit-image scikit-video ConfigArgParse pyyaml h5py ptflops colorspacious pypng piqa opencv-python jpegtran-cffi mwclient piexif

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S python-tqdm python-pytorch-cuda python-matplotlib python-configargparse python-yaml
pacaur -S python-ptflops python-colorspacious python-pytorch-msssim-git python-jpegtran-cffi python-scikit-image


pip3 install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip3 install cffi # needs to be installed before jpegtran-cffi, per https://github.com/jbaiter/jpegtran-cffi/issues/27
pip3 install tqdm matplotlib scipy scikit-image scikit-video ConfigArgParse pyyaml h5py ptflops colorspacious pypng piqa opencv-python jpegtran-cffi mwclient piexif

Dataset gathering:

Run the following code to gather both the clean and noise datasets, and crop them:

cd ../nind_denoise
python3 dl_ds_1.py --target_dir ../../datasets/NIND --use_wget
python crop_ds.py --cs 256 --ucs 96 --dsdir ../../datasets/NIND --resdir ../../datasets/resized --max_threads 8
# dataset of clean images
cd "../nind_denoise"
bash tools/make_clean-clean_dataset.sh

if the denoising dataset has been updated, then run the following code to analyze the dataset and generate the crops/quality list:

python3 tools/make_dataset_quality_crops_list.py --train_data ../../datasets/cropped/NIND_256_192 --cs 256

to generate ../../datasets/cropped/msssim.csv (which should then be renamed to msssim.csv and adapted in the quality_crops_csv_fpaths configuration key)

For testing, the file ../../datasets/NIND-msssim.csv is needed. It can be generated with nind_denoise$ python tools/make_dataset_quality_images_list.py

Add the 24-images kodak test set to ../../datasets/test/kodak/

To train with the JDC-UD method (aka pre-denoise or knowledge distillation), prepare the training data as follow:

cd ../nind_denoise
python denoise_dir.py --model_path ../../models/nind_denoise/2021-06-14T20:27_nn_train.py_--config_configs-train_conf_utnet_std.yaml_--config2_configs-train_with_clean_data.yaml_--g_model_path_..-..-models-nind_denoise-2021-06-12T11:48_nn_train.py_--config_configs-train_conf_utnet_std.yaml_--config2_configs-train_w/generator_650.pt --batch_size 2 --noisy_dir '../../datasets/train/FeaturedPictures' --skip_existing

To test denoising-then-compression, prepare the test data as follow:

cd ../nind_denoise
python denoise_dir.py --model_path ../..//models/nind_denoise/2021-06-14T20:27_nn_train.py_--config_configs-train_conf_utnet_std.yaml_--config2_configs-train_with_clean_data.yaml_--g_model_path_..-..-models-nind_denoise-2021-06-12T11:48_nn_train.py_--config_configs-train_conf_utnet_std.yaml_--config2_configs-train_w/generator_650.pt --batch_size 2 --noisy_dir '../../datasets/test/kodak' --skip_existing --denoise_baselines_too

python denoise_dir.py --model_path ../../models/nind_denoise/2021-06-14T20:27_nn_train.py_--config_configs-train_conf_utnet_std.yaml_--config2_configs-train_with_clean_data.yaml_--g_model_path_..-..-models-nind_denoise-2021-06-12T11:48_nn_train.py_--config_configs-train_conf_utnet_std.yaml_--config2_configs-train_w/generator_650.pt --batch_size 2 --noisy_dir '../../datasets/test/clic_test_pro' --skip_existing --denoise_baselines_too


python3 train.py starts a training process from scratch. The provided configurations can be used with --config config/dctrain_<method>.yaml. Start with the default --train_lambda 4096 (highest bitrate) and use this model to train the following (lower bitrate) model (e.g. --train_lambda 2048). When resuming training at a lower bitrate, it is necessary to reset the learning rate with --reset_lr.

Egcommand to train a JDC-Cn.8 model with λ=4096: python3 train.py --config dctrain_lownoise80_nind_fp.yaml --train_lambda 4096 --tot_steps 6000000

Egcommand to train a JDC-UD model with λ=4096: python3 train.py --config dctrain_predenoised8_nind_fp.yaml --train_lambda 4096

Loading a trained model

Use --pretrain where "pretrain" is the name of the directory under ../../models/dc/ (e.g. dctrain_lownoise80_nind_fp-L4096-mb-cas001.cism.ucl.ac.be. The full path of the model is not required; it will be loaded according to the best validation loss (val_denoise_combined_loss) present in the file trainres.json.

Egcommand to train a JDC-Cn.8 model with λ=2048: python3 train.py --config dctrain_lownoise80_nind_fp.yaml --train_lambda 2048 --pretrain dctrain_lownoise80_nind_fp-L4096-mb-cas001.cism.ucl.ac.be --reset_lr --tot_steps 9000000


To pause a training process, create a ~/pause_<PID> file. This will pause GPU compute but RAM usage will remain.


The models test performance are saved in ../../models/dc/<MODELNAME>/trainres.json. Likewise, individual images' results, both a cache of the scores and encoded/decoded images, are saved under ../../models/dc/<MODELNAME>/tests