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Deku timer component (higher-order)

A deku higher-order timer component

Keep your components simple, testable and composable by using higher-order components. This higher-order timer component will re-render your component at the desire rate (in milliseconds).

This higher-order component takes care of when to call render on your component, so your component has only to care about the rendering logic.

A higher-order component is just a function that takes an existing component and returns another component that wraps it.

Read about higher-order components here (applies to deku as well): Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition.

Demo: http://requirebin.com/?gist=752d87b73f7d607ccbf9



npm install --save deku-timer


Create a new component by wrapping your component with timer HOC. Alongside the properties you specify, the created component will receive a tick property, the specified delay value and a stop function.

<font color="red"><strong>Important notice with ES5:</strong></font>

babel 6 changed the way transpiled default exports work. See Babel 6 changes how it exports default on stack overflow.

// ES5
var timer = require('deku-timer').default;
import element from 'virtual-element';
import { tree, render } from 'deku';

function myComponent({ tick, stop, delay }) {
    return element('div', {}, 'Started ' + tick * delay + 'ms ago.');

const Timer1 = timer(1000)({ render: myComponent });
const Timer2 = timer(2000)({ render: myComponent });

const app = tree(
    element('div', {}, [

render(app, document.body);