

Trickest Log4j

Several versions of Apache Log4j are vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE). A lot of bypasses and payloads have been published; this repository aims to provide a solution that allows security teams to use all of this knowledge effectively.


With all the research done on Log4j every day, we found it important to create a consistent process that can:

So We designed a Trickest workflow. The primary input is the list of targets to check for log4j related vulnerabilities.

How it works

Trickest Workflow used:


TB; DZ (Too big; didn't zoom):

How to Update

The workflow uses this repository as a source, so any attack payloads added to this repository will be picked up and used automatically. Check out the issues for a list of ideas that will be implemented in future versions of the workflow. README.md will be updated accordingly.

To update the techniques used you can either:
