

This repo and Python module are unmaintained.

Why cmdln.py?

cmdln.py fixes some of the design flaws in cmd.py and uses the optparse module so that it is more useful (and convenient) for implementing command-line scripts/shells.

The main differences are:

Install notes and intro docs are below. Please send any feedback to [Trent Mick](mailto:trentm at google's mail thing).

Python Versions

cmdln 2.x versions support Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4.

cmdln 1.x versions support Python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7.


To install it in your Python installation run one of the following:

pip install cmdln
pypm install cmdln      # if you use ActivePython (activestate.com/activepython)
easy_install cmdln      # if this is the best you have
python setup.py install

However, everything you need to run this is in "lib/cmdln.py". If it is easier for you, you can just copy that file to somewhere on your PYTHONPATH (to use as a module) or executable path (to use as a script).


cmdln.py is an extension of Python's default cmd.py module that provides "a simple framework for writing line-oriented command interpreters". The idea (with both cmd.py and cmdln.py) is to be able to quickly build multi-sub-command tools (think cvs or svn) and/or simple interactive shells (think gdb or pdb). cmdln.py's extensions make it more natural to write sub-commands, integrate optparse for simple option processing, and make having good command documentation easier.

For example, here is most of the scaffolding for the svn status command. (Note: Some options were removed and the doc string truncated for brevity. See examples/svn.py for a more complete scaffold re-implementation of the svn command-line interface.)

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import cmdln

class MySVN(cmdln.Cmdln):
    name = "svn"

    @cmdln.alias("stat", "st")
    @cmdln.option("-u", "--show-updates", action="store_true",
                  help="display update information")
    @cmdln.option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
                  help="print extra information")
    def do_status(self, subcmd, opts, *paths):
        """${cmd_name}: print the status of working copy files and directories

        print("'svn %s' opts:  %s" % (subcmd, opts))
        print("'svn %s' paths: %s" % (subcmd, paths))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    svn = MySVN()

The base cmdln.Cmdln class is providing a number of things for free here. (1) There is a reasonable default help string:

$ python svn.py
    svn COMMAND [ARGS...]
    svn help [COMMAND]

    help (?)            give detailed help on a specific command
    status (st, stat)   print the status of working copy files and dire...

(2) A default help command is provided for getting detailed help on specific sub-commands. This is how many such tools already work (e.g. svn and p4, the command-line interface for the Perforce source control system).

$ python svn.py help status
status (stat, st): print the status of working copy files and directories.

    svn status [PATHS...]

    -h, --help          show this help message and exit
    -v, --verbose       print extra information
    -u, --show-updates  display update information

(3) It makes parsing the command line easy (with optparse integration):

$ python svn.py status -v foo bar baz
'svn status' opts:  {'show_updates': None, 'verbose': True}
'svn status' paths: ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

and (4) defining command aliases easy:

$ python svn.py st -v foo bar baz
'svn st' opts:  {'show_updates': None, 'verbose': True}
'svn st' paths: ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

Read the Getting Started docs next.


Run the test suite on your current python version:

make test

To attempt to run with all supported versions:

make testall

On a particular version:

make test34