

Circle CI

Transitland Datastore

A community-run and -edited timetable and map of public transit service around the world.

For more information about Transitland as a whole, and how to use the Datastore in particular, view the Transitland documentation site.

This readme describes the Transitland Datastore behind the scenes: a Ruby on Rails web service (backed by Postgres/PostGIS), along with an asynchronous Sidekiq queue (backed by Resque) that runs Ruby and Python data-ingestion libraries.

Note that this web application is designed to run at https://transit.land/api/v1 While you're welcome to try hosting your own instance, please keep in mind that the Transitland Datastore is intended to be a centralized source of data run by a community in one place (much like the Rails app that powers the openstreetmap.org API).

Technical documentation

See also