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Terminal Music and Podcast Player written in Rust

Listen to music and podcasts freely as both in freedom and free of charge!

<table> <tr> <td> <img src="https://github.com/tramhao/termusic/blob/master/screenshots/main.png?raw=true" alt="Main view" style="width: 500px;"/> </td> <td> <img src="https://github.com/tramhao/termusic/blob/master/screenshots/tageditor.png?raw=true" alt="Tag editor" style="width: 500px;"/> </td> </tr> </table>

Freedom: As time goes by, online service providers control pretty much everything we listen to. Complicated copyright issues make things worse. If my favorite song cannot be found on a website, I'll probably just not listen to them for years.

Free of charge: You can download from YouTube, NetEase, Migu and KuGou for free. No need to register for monthly paid memberships.

As a contributor of GOMU, I met serious problems during development. The main problem is data race condition. So I rewrote the player in rust, and hope to solve the problem.

Supported Formats

Below are the audio formats supported by the various backends.

In the case that metadata is not supported, an attempt will still be made to play the file.

Format (feature)Symphonia (rusty)Mpv (mpv)Gstreamer (gst)Metadata
Ogg VorbisYesYesYesYes
WebMYes(opus not supported)YesYesNo
MKVYes(depends on codec)YesYesNo

Default backend: rusty




You will need to build with the stable rust toolchain. Minimal Supported Rust Version 1.77.0.


git will be required to build the package.


SymphoniaYou will need ALSA installed to support decoding with symphonia.<br />Note that the ALSA development files are required. These are provided as part of the libasound2-dev package on Debian and Ubuntu distributions and alsa-lib-devel on Fedora.<br/>In addition soundtouch and clang(build only) are required.


This is required to build and run termusic. For ubuntu: apt-get protobuf-compiler, For arch: paru -S protobuf.


As right now use_dbus is a configuration option, it's required to compile. For ubuntu: apt-get libdbus-1-dev, For arch: paru -S dbus.

Yt-dlp support

You can optionally install yt-dlp and FFmpeg to download MP3s from Youtube.

Album cover support

For kitty, album cover support is default. For other terminals, need ueberzug/ueberzugpp installed and cover feature flag compiled.


Do note that these will be compiled with the symphonia backend.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux users can install termusic from the official repositories using pacman.

pacman -S termusic


NetBSD users can install termusic from the official repositories.

pkgin install termusic


Either in the user's environment:

nix-env --install termusic

Or declaratively in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

    environment.systemPackagess = with pkgs; [


cargo install termusic termusic-server --locked

From Source

git clone https://github.com/tramhao/termusic.git
cd termusic

Then install with:

make install

By default, termusic can display album covers in Kitty or iTerm2 (mac, not tested). If you need album covers displayed on other terminals, please install ueberzug or ueberzugpp, then:

make full

Finally, you can run it with:


You can copy it anywhere in your $PATH. The configuration file for the TUI is located in ~/.config/termusic/tui.toml, and the configuration file for the server is located in ~/.config/termusic/server.toml (or on macOS, ~/Library/Application Support/termusic/tui.toml, ~/Library/Application Support/termusic/server.toml, respectively). <!---The MacOS, i assume it has the same rules as linux, so its a good idea to check, as i lack and macOS machine.--> However, as this is a minimalistic program, you don't need to edit the configuration file and almost everything can be set from the app.


Contributing and issues 🤝🏻

Contributions, bug reports, new features and questions are welcome! 😉 If you have any question or concern, or you want to suggest a new feature, or you want just want to improve termusic, feel free to open an issue or a PR.

Please follow our contributing guidelines





MIT License for main part of code. GPLv3 for NetEase api code under src/lyric/netease. Comes from netease-cloud-music-gtk. GPLv3 for Podcast code under src/podcast. Comes from shellcaster.