



A differential fuzzer for x86 decoders.


Read more about mishegos in its accompanying blog post and academic publication (paper | recording | slides).

  author       = "William Woodruff and Niki Carroll and Sebastiaan Peters",
  title        = "Differential analysis of x86-64 instruction decoders",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of the Seventh Language-Theoretic Security Workshop~({LangSec}) at the {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy",
  year         = "2021",
  month        = "May"


Start with a clone, including submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/trailofbits/mishegos


mishegos is most easily built within Docker:

docker build -t mishegos .

Alternatively, you can try building it directly.

Make sure you have binutils-dev (or however your system provides libopcodes) installed:

# or
make debug

Build specific workers by passing a space-delimited list as the WORKERS varable:

WORKERS="bfd capstone" make worker


Run the fuzzer for a bit:

./src/mishegos/mishegos ./workers.spec > /tmp/mishegos

mishegos checks for three environment variables:

Convert mishegos's raw output into JSONL suitable for analysis:

./src/mish2jsonl/mish2jsonl /tmp/mishegos > /tmp/mishegos.jsonl

mish2jsonl checks for V=1 to enable verbose output on stderr.

Run an analysis/filter pass group on the results:

./src/analysis/analysis -p same-size-different-decodings < /tmp/mishegos.jsonl > /tmp/mishegos.interesting

Generate an ugly pretty visualization of the filtered results:

./src/mishmat/mishmat < /tmp/mishegos.interesting > /tmp/mishegos.html
open /tmp/mishegos.html

Tip: The HTML file that mishmat generates could be hundreds of megabytes large, which will likely result in a bad browser viewing experience. Using the split tool, you can create multiple smaller HTML files with a specified number of entries per file (10,000 in the following example) and load each of them separately:

mkdir /tmp/mishegos-html
split -d --lines=10000 - /tmp/mishegos-html/mishegos_ \
    --additional-suffix='.html' --filter='./src/mishmat/mishmat > $FILE' \
    < /tmp/mishegos.interesting


We welcome contributors to mishegos!

A guide for adding new disassembler workers can be found here.

Performance notes

All numbers below correspond to the following run:

V=1 timeout 60s ./src/mishegos/mishegos ./workers.spec > /tmp/mishegos

Outside Docker:



mishegos is licensed and distributed under the Apache v2.0 license. Contact us if you’re looking for an exception to the terms.