

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/traderepublic/Cilicon/"><img width="350" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1622982/204773431-050cc008-029c-4ab1-98a6-9d4fc30d272d.png" alt="Cilicon" /></a><br /><br /> Self-Hosted macOS CI on Apple Silicon<br /><br /> <a href="#-about-cilicon">About</a> • <a href="#-getting-started">Getting Started</a> • <a href="#-ideas-for-the-future">Ideas for the Future</a> • <a href="#-join-us">Join Us</a> </p> <details><summary><h3>💥 What's new in 2.0?</h3></summary> We're excited to announce a new major update to Cilicon! Here's a summary of what's new: <ul> <li>While Cilicon 1.0 relied on a user-defined Login Item script in the VM, its new version now includes an SSH client and directly executes commands on the VM.</li> <li>Cilicon has partially adopted the <a href="https://github.com/cirruslabs/tart">tart</a> image format and can automatically convert 1.0 images to it.</li> <li>The integrated OCI client can download pre-built CI images that have been created with/for tart. We recommend their <a href="https://github.com/cirruslabs/macos-image-templates/pkgs/container/macos-sonoma-xcode">macos-sonoma-xcode</a> images.</li> </ul> <h4>Migrating from 1.0</h4> <ul> <li>The config file schema has changed slightly. In most cases renaming the <code>vmBundlePath</code> property to <code>source</code> should suffice.</li> <li>When Cilicon detects a 1.0 image it will offer you to automatically convert it to the new format for you.</li> <li>When converting an image from the 1.0 format, you must enable SSH and set the respective credentials in the config (or use the default <code>admin:admin</code>).</li> </ul> </details>

🔁 About Cilicon

Cilicon is a macOS App that leverages Apple's Virtualization Framework to create, provision and run ephemeral CI VMs with near-native performance. It currently supports Github Actions, Buildkite Agent, GitLab Runner and arbitrary scripts. Depending on your setup, should be able to get up and running with your self-hosted CI in minutes 🚀

Cilicon operates in a very simple cycle described below:

<table> <tr> <td><img width="500" alt="Cilicon Cycle" src="https://github.com/traderepublic/Cilicon/assets/1622982/0774ad39-4c86-4f23-ab27-5be4c89fa8f8"> </br><p align="center"><i>The Cilicon Cycle</i></p></td> <td><img width="600" alt="Cilicon Cycle" src="https://github.com/traderepublic/Cilicon/assets/1622982/31a0e031-4938-4d42-bc75-6ee29269abe4"> </br><p align="center"><i>Running a sample job via GitHub Actions (2x playback)</i></p></td> </tr> </table>

🚀 Getting Started

To get started, download the latest release here.

✨ Choosing a Source

Cilicon uses the tart container format and comes with an integrated OCI client to fetch images from the internet.

It's recommended to use publicly hosted images, however if you need to create or customize your own image, you may use tart.

⚠️ Important

⚙️ Configuration

Cilicon expects a cilicon.yml file to be present in the Host OS's home directory. For more information on all available settings see Config.swift.

GitHub Actions

To use the GitHub Actions provisioner you will need to create and install a new GitHub App with Self-hosted runners Read & Write permissions on the organization level and download the private key file to be referenced in the configuration file.

source: oci://ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-sonoma-xcode:15.3
  type: github
    appId: <APP_ID>
    organization: <ORGANIZATION_SLUG>
    privateKeyPath: ~/github.pem

GitLab Runner

To use the GitLab Runner provisioner you will need to create a runner with an authentication token.

Minimal example:

source: oci://ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-sonoma-xcode:15.3
  type: gitlab
    runnerToken: <RUNNER_TOKEN>

Full configuration:

source: oci://ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-sonoma-xcode:15.3
  type: gitlab
    runnerToken: <RUNNER_TOKEN>
    executor: <EXECUTOR> # defaults to 'shell'
    maxNumberOfBuilds: <MAX_BUILDS> # defaults to '1'
    downloadLatest: <DOWNLOAD_LATEST> # defaults to 'true'
    downloadURL: <DOWNLOAD_URL> # defaults to GitLab official S3 bucket
    configToml: > # Advanced config as custom config.toml file to be appended to the basic config and copied to the runner.

Buildkite Agent

To use the Buildkite Agent provisioner, simply set your agent token in the provisioner config.

source: oci://ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-sonoma-xcode:15.3
  type: buildkite
    agentToken: <AGENT_TOKEN>


If you want to run a script (e.g. to start a runner that's not natively supported), you may use the script provisioner.

source: oci://ghcr.io/cirruslabs/macos-sonoma-xcode:15.3
  type: script
     run: |
     	echo "Hello World"
        sleep 10

🔨 Setting Up the Host OS

It is recommended to use Cilicon on a macOS device fully dedicated to the task, ideally one that is freshly restored.

If you don't want to host your machine locally, OakHost provides great value dedicated Macs and are kindly offering 10% off the first two months for new customers with the code CILICON10 (Disclaimer: We do not receive any form of compensation from sharing this code).

🔮 Ideas for the Future

Support for more Provisioners

We use GitHub Actions for our iOS builds at Trade Republic but would love to see Cilicon being used for other CI services as well. Implementing support for more services should be easy by building on top of the Provisioner protocol.

Running 2 VMs in parallel

Xcode builds often don't use all of the compute resources available. Therefore running 2 VMs im parallel (more are not possible due to a limitation of the Virtualization framework) would be a welcome addition.


A logging or monitoring concept would greatly improve identifying and troubleshooting any potential issues and provide the ability to notify the team in real time.

👩‍💻 Join Us!

At Trade Republic, we are on a mission to democratize wealth. We set up millions of Europeans for wealth with fast, easy, and free access to capital markets. With over one million customers we are one of the largest savings platforms in Europe, with users holding over €6 billion on our platform. Join us to build the FinTech of the future.

Disclaimer: Trade Republic is not affiliated with Cirrus Labs or their tart product