


A drawer view implemented by SwiftUI. This is not just simply a demo, instead, it can be directly used in project as a module as it has rudimentary customization flexibility.


Introduction & Demo

Basic Functionality Demo

A drawer with some bouncing animation

<img src="img/basic.gif" width="400">

Further Step

Click Anywhere of the Background to Dismiss DrawerView

You can click anywhere of the darken background to dismiss the DrawerView

<img src="img/backdismiss.gif" width="400">

Drag to Dismiss DrawerView


The entire DrawerView is coded in the file with the same name as DrawerView.swift. The setup code written in Content.swift which demonstrates how to use DrawerView.swift.

DrawerView takes one required argument isShow to open and dismiss itself. You need to create one in your main view and bind it to DrawerView


All customizable properties have been provided in the DrawerView.swift. You can directly assign the preferred value to these variables when you initialize the DrawerView


This project is for demonstration purpose. Any contribution is welcome!

Best Luck and Happy Coding!