


NodeJS driver for the Instagram API. In production at http://totems.co aggregating more than 200 data points per seconds


npm install instagram-node

How it works

var ig = require('instagram-node').instagram();

// Every call to `ig.use()` overrides the `client_id/client_secret`
// or `access_token` previously entered if they exist.
ig.use({ access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' });
ig.use({ client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
         client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' });
app.post('/like/:media_id', function(req, res, next) {
  var ig = require('instagram-node').instagram({});
  ig.use({ access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' });

  ig.add_like(req.param('media_id'), {
    sign_request: {
      client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
      // Then you can specify the request:
      client_req: req
      // or the IP on your own:
      ip: 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'
  }, function(err) {
    // handle err here
    return res.send('OK');

Server-Side Authentication using OAuth and the Instagram API

Instagram uses the standard oauth authentication flow in order to allow apps to act on a user's behalf. Therefore, the API provides two convenience methods to help you authenticate your users. The first, get_authorization_url, can be used to redirect an unauthenticated user to the instagram login screen based on a redirect_uri string and an optional options object containing an optional scope array and an optional state string. The second method, authorize_user, can be used to retrieve and set an access token for a user, allowing your app to act fully on his/her behalf. This method takes three parameters: a response_code which is sent as a GET parameter once a user has authorized your app and instagram has redirected them back to your authorization redirect URI, a redirect_uri which is the same one supplied to get_authorization_url, and a callback that takes two parameters err and result. err will be populated if and only if the request to authenticate the user has failed for some reason. Otherwise, it will be null and response will be populated with a JSON object representing Instagram's confirmation reponse that the user is indeed authorized. See instagram's authentication documentation for more information.

Below is an example of how one might authenticate a user within an ExpressJS app.

var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');
var api = require('instagram-node').instagram();
var app = express();

app.configure(function() {
  // The usual...

  client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
  client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET

var redirect_uri = 'http://yoursite.com/handleauth';

exports.authorize_user = function(req, res) {
  res.redirect(api.get_authorization_url(redirect_uri, { scope: ['likes'], state: 'a state' }));

exports.handleauth = function(req, res) {
  api.authorize_user(req.query.code, redirect_uri, function(err, result) {
    if (err) {
      res.send("Didn't work");
    } else {
      console.log('Yay! Access token is ' + result.access_token);
      res.send('You made it!!');

// This is where you would initially send users to authorize
app.get('/authorize_user', exports.authorize_user);
// This is your redirect URI
app.get('/handleauth', exports.handleauth);

http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
  console.log("Express server listening on port " + app.get('port'));

###Using the API

Once you've setup the API and/or authenticated, here is the full list of what you can do:

/*            USERS             */
ig.user('user_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [count], [min_id], [max_id] }; */
ig.user_self_feed([options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [count], [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp], [min_id], [max_id] }; */
ig.user_media_recent('user_id', [options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [count], [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp], [min_id], [max_id] }; */
ig.user_self_media_recent([options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [count], [max_like_id] }; */
ig.user_self_liked([options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [count] }; */
ig.user_search('username', [options,] function(err, users, remaining, limit) {});

/*         RELATIONSHIP         */
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [cursor] }; */
ig.user_follows('user_id', function(err, users, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [count], [cursor] }; */
ig.user_followers('user_id', function(err, users, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

ig.user_self_requested_by(function(err, users, remaining, limit) {});

ig.user_relationship('user_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

ig.set_user_relationship('user_id', 'follow', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

/*           MEDIAS             */
ig.media('media_id', function(err, media, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp], [distance] }; */
ig.media_search(48.4335645654, 2.345645645, [options,] function(err, medias, remaining, limit) {});

ig.media_popular(function(err, medias, remaining, limit) {});

/*           COMMENTS           */
ig.comments('media_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

ig.add_comment('media_id', 'your comment', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

ig.del_comment('media_id', 'comment_id', function(err, remaining, limit) {});

/*            LIKES             */
ig.likes('media_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

ig.add_like('media_id', function(err, remaining, limit) {});

ig.del_like('media_id', function(err, remaining, limit) {});

/*             TAGS             */
ig.tag('tag', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [min_tag_id], [max_tag_id] }; */
ig.tag_media_recent('tag', [options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

ig.tag_search('query', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

/*           LOCATIONS          */
ig.location('location_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

/* OPTIONS: { [min_id], [max_id], [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp] }; */
ig.location_media_recent('location_id', [options,] function(err, result, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/* SPECS: { lat, lng, [foursquare_v2_id], [foursquare_id] }; */
/* OPTIONS: { [distance] }; */
ig.location_search({ lat: 48.565464564, lng: 2.34656589 }, [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});

/*          GEOGRAPHIES         */
/* OPTIONS: { [min_id], [count] } */
ig.geography_media_recent(geography_id, [options,] function(err, result, pagination, remaining, limit) {});

/*         SUBSCRIPTIONS        */
ig.subscriptions(function(err, result, remaining, limit){});

ig.del_subscription({id:1}, function(err,subscriptions,limit){})

/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_tag_subscription('funny', 'http://MYHOST/tag/funny', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});

/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_geography_subscription(48.565464564, 2.34656589, 100, 'http://MYHOST/geography', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});

/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_user_subscription('http://MYHOST/user', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});

/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_location_subscription(1257285, 'http://MYHOST/location/1257285', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});


Subscriptions are callbacks from Instagram to your app when new things happen. They should be web-accessable, and return req.query['hub.challenge'] on GET. Read more here. After you subscribe, Instagram will calllback your web URL whenever a new post, user action, etc happens.

You can get your subscriptions with this:

ig.subscriptions(function(err, subscriptions, remaining, limit){

You can delete all your subscriptions with this:

ig.del_subscription({ all: true }, function(err, subscriptions, remaining, limit){});

or just one with this:

ig.del_subscription({ id: 1 }, function(err, subscriptions, remaining, limit){});


When errors occur, you receive an error object with default properties, but we also add some other things:

// Available when the error comes from Instagram API
err.code;                // code from Instagram
err.error_type;          // error type from Instagram
err.error_message;       // error message from Instagram

// If the error occurs while requesting the API
err.status_code;         // the response status code
err.body;                // the received body


err.retry(); // Lets you retry in the same conditions that before


When you use functions like user_media_recent or tag_media_recent, you will get a pagination object in your callback. This object is basically the same that Instagram would give you but there will be a next() function that let you retrieve next results without caring about anything.

var ig = require('instagram-node').instagram();

var hdl = function(err, result, pagination, remaining, limit) {
  // Your implementation here
  if(pagination.next) {
    pagination.next(hdl); // Will get second page results

ig.tag_media_recent('test', hdl);


Put the following in your environment:


Then just use

make test

More infos


Distributed under the MIT License.