

Advanced TypeScript Workshop

Hello! My name's Matt Pocock. This is a workshop repo to teach you about Advanced TypeScript.

Topics Covered

The plan of the workshop is to get you more confident with complex type signatures, less likely to want to use any, and faster at diagnosing errors.

Workshop Plan

We'll be running from 9AM PT - 2PM PT. Here's the plan:

We'll be working through the material in this repository, mostly in small groups.

System Requirements

All of these must be available in your PATH. To verify things are set up properly, you can run this:

git --version
node --version
npm --version


After you've made sure to have the correct things (and versions) installed, you should be able to just run a few commands to get set up:

git clone https://github.com/mattpocock/advanced-typescript-workshop.git
cd advanced-typescript-workshop
npm install

That's it! You'll now have all the dependencies you need to work through the workshop exercises.


Exercises are in the ./exercises folder. They're designed to be worked through one after the other.

Each exercise follows a similar pattern:

Be careful to read through each part of the exercise carefully - if you skip over parts of them, it might get difficult to find your way back.

Also, consider splitting your IDE into two panels, both looking at the same file. You can read from one, and write in the other - meaning you don't have to scroll up and down too much.


Exercises use emoji to express various different things:


This material is available for private, non-commercial use under the GPL version 3.