

🕊️ HATO: Learning Visuotactile Skills with Two Multifingered Hands

[Project] [Paper]

Toru Lin, Yu Zhang*, Qiyang Li*, Haozhi Qi*, Brent Yi, Sergey Levine, Jitendra Malik <br>


This repo contains code, datasets, and instructions to support the following use cases:


conda create -n hato python=3.9
conda activate hato
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Collecting Demonstration Data

This repo supports Meta Quest 2 as the teleoperation device. To start, install oculus_reader by following instructions in the link.

We use ZMQ to handle communication between hardwares. Our data collection code is structured in the following way (credit to gello_software for the clean and modular template):

Directory / FileDetail
agents/contains Agent classes that generate low-level hardware control commands from teleoperation device or diffusion policy
cameras/contains Camera classes that provide utilities to obtain real-time camera data
robots/contains Robot classes that interface between Python code and physical hardwares to read observations or send low-level control commands
*_node.pycontains ZMQ node classes for camera / robot / policy
env.pycontains environment classes that organize the teleoperation and data collection process
launch_nodes.pyscript to launch robot hardware and sensor ZMQ nodes
run_env.pyscript to start the teleoperation and data collection process

(Code files not mentioned contain utilities for training and evaluating diffusion policies, and deploying policies on hardware; please see the next two sections for more details.)

Currently available classes:

These classes can be flexibly modified or extended to support other teleoperation devices / learning pipelines / cameras / robot hardwares.

Example usage (note that launch_node.py and run_env.py should be run simultaneously in two separate windows):

# to collect data with two UR5e arms and Ability hands at 10Hz
python launch_nodes.py --robot bimanual_ur --hand_type ability
python run_env.py --agent quest_hand --no-show-camera-view --hz 10 --save_data

# to collect data with two UR5e arms and Ability hands at 10Hz, showing camera view during data collection
python launch_nodes.py --robot bimanual_ur --hand_type ability
python run_env.py --agent quest_hand --hz 10 --save_data

Node processes can be cleaned up by running pkill -9 -f launch_nodes.py.

Training and Evaluating Diffusion Policies

Download Datasets

[Data Files]

The linked data folder contains datasets for the four tasks featured in the HATO paper: banana, stack, pour, and steak.

Full dataset files can be unzipped using the unzip command. Note that the pour and steak datasets are split into part files because of the large file size. Before unzipping, the part files should be first concatenated back into single files using the following commands:

cat data_pour_part_0* > data_pour.zip
cat data_steak_part_0* > data_steak.zip

Scripts to download and concatenate the datasets can be found in workflow/download_dataset.sh.

Run Training

  1. Run python workflow/split_data.py --base_path Traj_Folder_Path --output_path Output_Folder_Path --data_name Data_Name --num_trajs N1 N2 N3 to split the data into train and validation sets. Number of trajectories used can be specified via the num_trajs argument.
  2. Run python ./learning/dp/pipeline.py --data_path Split_Folder_Path/Data_Name --model_save_path Model_Path to train the model, where
    • --data_path is the splitted trajectory folder, which is the output_path + data_name in step 1. (data_name should not include suffix like _train or _train_10)
    • --model_save_path is the path to save the model

Important Training Arguments

  1. --batch_size : the batch size for training.
  2. --num_epochs : the number of epochs for training.
  3. --representation_type: the data representation type for the model. Format: repr1--repr2--.... Repr can be eef, img, depth, touch, pos, hand_pos
  4. --camera_indices: the camera indices to use for the image data modality. Format: 01,012,02, etc.
  5. --train_suffix: the suffix for the training folder. This is useful when you want to train the model on different data splits and should be used with the --num_trajs arg of split_data.py. Format: _10, _50, etc.
  6. --load_img: whether to load all the images into memory. If set to True, the training will be faster but will consume more memory.
  7. --use_memmap_cache: whether to use memmap cache for the images. If set to True, it will create a memmap file in the training folder to accelerate the data loading.
  8. --use_wandb: whether to use wandb for logging.
  9. --wandb_project_name: the wandb project name.
  10. --wandb_entity_name: the wandb entity name.
  11. --load_path: the path to load the model. If set, the model will be loaded from the path and continue training. This should be the path of non-ema model.

Run Evaluation

Run python ./eval_dir.py --eval_dir Traj_Folder_Path --ckpt_path Model_Path_1 Model_Path_2 to evaluate multiple models on all trajectories in the folder.

Deploying Policies on Hardware

A set of useful bash scripts can be generated using the following command:

python workflow/gen_deploy_scripts.py -c [ckpt_folder]

where ckpt_folder is a path that contains one or more checkpoints resulted from the training above. The generated bash scripts provide the following functionalities.


This project was developed with help from the following codebases.


If you find HATO or this codebase helpful in your research, please consider citing:

  author={Lin, Toru and Zhang, Yu and Li, Qiyang and Qi, Haozhi and Yi, Brent and Levine, Sergey and Malik, Jitendra},
  title={Learning Visuotactile Skills with Two Multifingered Hands},