

New Relic Memory Plugin

Monitors server's Free, used, unused and wired memory(RAM).


In order to use this plugin, you must have an active New Relic account.

Plugin should work on any generic Unix environment with the following software components installed:

Instructions for running the Sidekiq plugin agent

  1. run bundle install to install required gems
  2. Edit config/newrelic_plugin.yml and replace "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" with your New Relic license key
  3. Running the plugin

Plugin can be started as a daemon using the following command:

./newrelic_memory_agent.daemon start

In this case you can check its status by running

./newrelic_memory_agent.daemon status

and stop it with

./newrelic_memory_agent.daemon stop

P.S Thanks to Steven Eksteen and his plugin newrelic_sidekiq_agent.