

Sejda SDK (https://www.sejda.org)

Build Status License

Sejda SDK is a task oriented PDF editor SDK library written in Java.

Sejda SDK offers a set of "ready to go" manipulations implemented using SAMBox, a PDFBox fork that we maintain. Quick start: https://github.com/torakiki/sejda/wiki/Getting-Started

A full list of the available tasks: https://github.com/torakiki/sejda/wiki/Tasks

Sejda SDK open source

Is an open source Java library providing a set of PDF manipulation tasks


Is a commercial Java library built on top of the open source library and providing additional PDF manipulation tasks

Sejda console PRO

sejda-console-pro is a commercial command line tool that can be used directly from the terminal or from your own code.

Get started: https://github.com/torakiki/sejda/wiki/Getting-Started

Web Interface

A web interface is available at https://sejda.com where the most commonly used tasks are available as online services:

Split PDF by pages

Merge PDF

Split PDF by chapters

Split PDF by size

Split PDF by size

Alternate/Mix PDF

Extract Pages from PDF

Apply header/footer or page numbers to PDF pages

Rotate PDF pages

PDF to JPG Images


Sejda SDK is the engine behind PDFsam Basic, a free and open source desktop application to split, merge, extract pages, rotate and mix PDF files


Sejda 1.x is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0

Sejda 2.x and higher are licensed under GNU Affero Public License 3.0