

World Atlas TopoJSON

This repository provides a convenient redistribution of Natural Earth’s vector data, version 4.1.0 as TopoJSON. For earlier editions, see past releases.


In a browser, using d3-geo and Canvas:<br> https://observablehq.com/@d3/world-map

In a browser, using d3-geo and SVG:<br> https://observablehq.com/@d3/world-map-svg

In Node, using d3-geo and node-canvas:<br> https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/885fffe88d72b2a25c090e0bbbef382f

File Reference

<a href="#countries-110m.json" name="countries-110m.json">#</a> <b>countries-110m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>countries</i> and <i>land</i>. The geometry is quantized, but not projected; it is in spherical coordinates, decimal degrees. This topology is derived from the Natural Earth’s Admin 0 country boundaries, 1:110m small scale. The land boundary is computed by merging countries, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#countries-50m.json" name="countries-50m.json">#</a> <b>countries-50m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>countries</i> and <i>land</i>. The geometry is quantized, but not projected; it is in spherical coordinates, decimal degrees. This topology is derived from the Natural Earth’s Admin 0 country boundaries, 1:50m medium scale. The land boundary is computed by merging countries, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#countries-10m.json" name="countries-10m.json">#</a> <b>countries-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collections <i>countries</i> and <i>land</i>. The geometry is quantized, but not projected; it is in spherical coordinates, decimal degrees. This topology is derived from the Natural Earth’s Admin 0 country boundaries, 1:10m large scale. The land boundary is computed by merging countries, ensuring a consistent topology.

<a href="#land-110m.json" name="land-110m.json">#</a> <b>land-110m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collection <i>land</i>. The geometry is quantized, but not projected; it is in spherical coordinates, decimal degrees. This topology is derived from the Natural Earth’s land boundaries, 1:110m small scale.

<a href="#land-50m.json" name="land-50m.json">#</a> <b>land-50m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collection <i>land</i>. The geometry is quantized, but not projected; it is in spherical coordinates, decimal degrees. This topology is derived from the Natural Earth’s land boundaries, 1:50m medium scale.

<a href="#land-10m.json" name="land-10m.json">#</a> <b>land-10m.json</b> · Download

A TopoJSON file containing the geometry collection <i>land</i>. The geometry is quantized, but not projected; it is in spherical coordinates, decimal degrees. This topology is derived from the Natural Earth’s land boundaries, 1:10m large scale.

<a href="#countries" name="countries">#</a> world.objects.<b>countries</b>

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topojson/world-atlas/master/img/countries.png" width="480" height="300">

Each country has two fields:

<a href="#land" name="land">#</a> world.objects.<b>land</b>

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/topojson/world-atlas/master/img/land.png" width="480" height="300">