A lightweight, compile-time, single header-file library class for representing (eg double-) values on different scales built on c++11 with no dependencies.
Latest Release - v1.0.0
Initial release.
Tested on
- gcc-5.3.0
Compiles Under
- icc-16 + 17
- gcc-7 .. gcc-4.7
- ARM gcc 5.4
- ARM64 gcc 5.4
- MIPS gcc 5.4
- clang 4.0 .. clang 3.4
The library allows to represent a (e.g. double) value on a scale. The following example illustrates the idea:
#include <ScaledValue.h>
int main() {
using namespace sv;
//define values on different scales
auto seconds_a = ScaledValue<std::nano>{500}; // represents 5 nanoseconds
auto seconds_b = ScaledValue<std::micro>{9}; // represents 9 microseconds
auto seconds_c = seconds_a + seconds_b;
auto seconds_d = seconds_a * seconds_b;
bool greater = seconds_a > seconds_b; //greater==false
//math operations
auto seconds_e = math::pow(seconds_b,0.5);
auto seconds_f = ScaledValue<std::nano>{seconds_b};
std::cout<< seconds_b <<std::endl; // prints "9*micro"
std::cout<< seconds_c <<std::endl; // prints "9500*nano"
std::cout<< seconds_d <<std::endl; // prints "0.0045*nano"
std::cout<< seconds_e <<std::endl; // prints "2645.75*micro" // see *
std::cout<< seconds_f <<std::endl; // prints "9000*nano"
return 0;
Working on a specific scale incurs no runtime overhead (on -O1). The library is small (~200 sloc), tested, easy to understand and easy to extend to specific user needs. It can be used together with the units library.
*Note that since the true value of seconds_b
is actually 9e-6 (seconds), the root is taken from this value rather than from 9 yielding 0.00264575 (seconds) and not 3.
Scales are compile time properties so they cannot be used in a dynamic fashion*. Printing of scaled values is rather simple but can be adjusted if needed. Not all math functions from <cmath> are defined, but they are also simple to add.
- Dynamic behaviour can be introduced by using
(c++17) with this class.
Getting Started Guide
The library consists of a single file (ScaledValue.h). To incorporate the library into your project, simply copy the header into a location in your include path and include it as seen in the Description.