

Showcase of the Frosty app with screenshots in a masonry grid

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<p> <a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/frosty-for-twitch/id1603987585"> <img title="Get it on iOS (Apple App Store)" alt="Apple App Store badge." src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54859075/160051843-1d8b2186-97e9-4edd-a957-bb4797b71b4a.svg" width="200px" /> </a> <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tommychow.frosty"> <img title="Get it on Android (Google Play Store)" alt="Google Play Store badge." src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54859075/160051854-21a57556-6b5a-41e9-8127-334daf1fac47.svg" width="225px" /> </a> </p>


The official Twitch mobile app doesn't support emotes from 7TV, BetterTTV (BTTV), and FrankerFaceZ (FFZ) — third-party extensions for Twitch used by millions. As a result, only emote text names are rendered rather than their actual image or GIF, making the chat unreadable in many channels.


For a more detailed overview, visit frostyapp.io.

Development setup

  1. Install Flutter.

  2. Clone this repo (e.g., git clone https://github.com/tommyxchow/frosty.git).

  3. Go to the Twitch dev console and register a new application to retrieve a Client ID and Client Secret.

  4. Use --dart-define to set the clientId and secret environment variables with your Client ID and Client Secret.

  5. Run flutter pub get to fetch all the dependencies.

  6. Choose an emulator or device and run the app!

[!IMPORTANT] Frosty uses MobX for state management. Please refer to the documentation about code generation, otherwise your changes within MobX stores may not be applied.


If you appreciate my work and would like to donate/tip, you can through:

Otherwise, downloading Frosty, leaving a review, or starring this repository is more than enough to show support. Thank you!


Frosty is licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later.