


A fork of czyzby/gdx-setup, preconfigured for SquidLib

SquidLib is a nice way to make roguelikes or other grid-based games in Java, but in the current version, it has the problem that all libGDX-based libraries have: it needs some challenging setup to be done to get Gradle, a JVM build tool, to build the project. Thankfully, both the official libGDX team and the unofficial group working with czyzby have provided a setup tool that does the grunt work of configuring a sample Gradle project to know about LibGDX's dependencies, automatically downloading them, and optionally setting up platforms other than desktop, like HTML, iOS and Android. Since SquidLib had the same issue that was solved for libGDX with this setup tool, a quick edit of czyzby's setup to depend on the latest commit of SquidLib means we have this tool, SquidSetup, that lets you go through a few simple steps in a GUI and get a pre-configured project set up to run on Linux, Windows, MacOS, GWT/HTML, Android, and/or iOS. The project will include modules for whichever of Desktop, GWT, Android, and/or iOS you selected plus an always-present Core module, and a sample set of code (mostly in one file in the core module) that uses squidlib and squidlib-util and shows how to use the libraries to handle dungeon generation, input handling, pathfinding, text-based display, field of vision, fictional language generation, and the kitchen sink. It will also guarantee SquidLib's core in squidlib-util is available, and optionally will depend on squidlib to provide text-based full-color display using LibGDX (this dependency is needed to run the sample game, but if you don't intend to use the text-based example code, the tool also lets you use LibGDX a la carte if you want to handle the graphics yourself).


Now you'll have a project all set up with a sample.

Recommended Settings

These apply to the options on the Advanced tab, which may need some extra explanation.

Good luck, and I hope you make something great!