

Wagtail Analytics

(Last Updated 12/17/19 for Wagtail v2.x)

This module provides a simple dashboard of Google Analytics data, integrated into the Wagtail admin UI. Tested on Wagtail 2.0+.




  1. Create a service account and download the JSON key (Credentials > Create Credentials > API key)
  2. Make sure the Analytics API is enabled for your project (See issue 2)
  3. Add the service account email address as a read-only user in Google Analytics (Admin > User Management)
  4. Find the ID for your Google Analytics property (Admin > Property > View Settings, note: this is NOT the key that begins with "UA-")
  5. Store your JSON key somewhere safe, and do not check it into your repo
  6. pip install wagalytics
  7. Add 'wagalytics' to your INSTALLED_APPS
  8. Add 'wagtailfontawesome' to INSTALLED_APPS if it's not there already
  9. Update your settings:

or when using environment variables (e.g. Heroku):

If you get CryptoUnavailableError errors, you probably need to pip install PyOpenSSL and/or pip install pycrypto. See StackOverflow.

Ensure that your code snippet is included on each page you want to be tracked (likely by putting it in your base.html template.) (Admin > Property > Tracking Code)

Multisite Support

To enable multisite support you'll need to update your Wagalytics settings and have wagtail.contrib.settings installed. Sites can use a GA_KEY_FILEPATH or a GA_KEY_CONTENT key, but it's best not to use both.

In the snippet below, you'll see site_id. This is the ID (Primary Key) of your Wagtail Site.

# Use either the GA_KEY_FILEPATH or the GA_KEY_CONTENT setting on your sites,
# but don't use both
    site_id: {
        'GA_VIEW_ID': 'ga:xxxxxxxx',
        'GA_KEY_FILEPATH': '/path/to/secure/directory/your-key.json',
    site_id: {
        'GA_VIEW_ID': 'ga:xxxxxxxx',
        'GA_KEY_CONTENT': 'content_of_your_key.json',

For every Wagalytics site you add in your multisite WAGALYTICS_SETTINGS you'll need to make sure you have the proper GA View ID and API Key. One View ID and API Key won't work for all your sites automatically.

Here's a working example of multisite WAGALYTICS_SETTINGS:

	# My default site. 2 is the site ID. This one uses GA_KEY_FILEPATH.
    2: {
        'GA_VIEW_ID': 'ga:xxxxxxxx',
        'GA_KEY_FILEPATH': '/path/to/secure/directory/your-key.json',
    # The secondary site. 3 is the Site ID. This one uses GA_KEY_CONTENT.
    3: {
        'GA_KEY_CONTENT': 'content_of_your_key.json',
        'GA_VIEW_ID': 'ga:xxxxxxxx',

Wagalytics Developers

Developers will need to carry out the following steps after cloning wagalytics:

You will need to run npm run build anytime the javascript source is updated.



This module doesn't help with recording user activity. See the Wagtail docs and StackOverflow for pointers on how to avoid gathering data during preview and testing.
