

swICC Library

Project needs to be cloned recursively. Downloading the ZIP is not enough.

Software ICC (or swICC) is a framework providing an easy and flexible way to develop most types of smart cards. It also allows any swICC-based card to be connected to the PC through the PC/SC interface (using the swICC PC/SC reader) which is the de facto standard for connecting smart cards to PCs.



  1. sudo apt-get install make cmake gcc
  2. git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:tomasz-lisowski/swicc.git
  3. cd swicc
  4. make main-dbg (for more info on building, take a look at ./doc/install.md).
  5. Link with ./build/libswicc.a (e.g. -Llib/swicc/build -lswicc) and add ./include to the include path (e.g. -Ilib/swicc/include).
  6. In your project add #include <swicc/swicc.h> to include all headers.


To create a minimal smart card do the following:

  1. Make sure to follow the installation instructions first and make sure ./build/libswicc.a exists.
  2. mkdir card
  3. cd card
  4. Copy the following code into a main.c file inside the ./card directory.
<details> <summary>Click to see source code.</summary>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <swicc/swicc.h>

swicc_net_client_st client_ctx = {0U};

static void sig_exit_handler(__attribute__((unused)) int signum)
    fprintf(stderr, "Shutting down...\n");

int32_t main(int32_t const argc, char const *const argv[const argc])
    swicc_disk_st disk = {0U};
    swicc_ret_et ret = swicc_diskjs_disk_create(&disk, "../test/data/disk/006-in.json");
    if (ret == SWICC_RET_SUCCESS)
        swicc_st swicc_ctx = {0U};
        ret = swicc_fs_disk_mount(&swicc_ctx, &disk);
        if (ret == SWICC_RET_SUCCESS)
            ret = swicc_net_client_sig_register(sig_exit_handler);
            if (ret == SWICC_RET_SUCCESS)
                ret =
                    swicc_net_client_create(&client_ctx, "", "37324");
                if (ret == SWICC_RET_SUCCESS)
                    ret = swicc_net_client(&swicc_ctx, &client_ctx);
                    if (ret != SWICC_RET_SUCCESS)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run network client.\n");
                    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create a client.\n");
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register signal handler.\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to mount disk.\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create disk.\n");

    return 0;
  1. gcc main.c -I../include -L../build -lswicc -o card.elf to build the card.
  2. To interact with the card over PC/SC, you will need to start a swICC card server, e.g., the swICC PC/SC reader.
  3. ./card.elf which will connect the card to the card reader.
  4. pcsc_scan (part of the pcsc-tools package) will show some details of the card.
  5. You can begin interacting with the card through PC/SC as you would with a real card.

To implement a custom card, one needs to register an APDU demuxer (before running the network client) through swicc_apduh_pro_register, as well as APDU handlers that get called by the demuxer depending on command that was received. A good example for using the framework in a more advanced way is the swSIM project which implements a SIM card using swICC.