

Jenkins Configuration as Code Sandbox

This is an example of Jenkins Configuration as Code with GitLab.

This is a fully working CI/CD setup with Jenkins and GitLab where everything is put under version control:

This allows for you to:

It also demonstrates a pattern where a "contract" is established between application repositories and the infrastructure. A jenkins-settings.json-file is created in the application repositories to tweak the build process. This means:


Start Environment

docker-compose up -d 

GitLab will be available in a few moments at http://localhost/ and you can login with credentials found here.

Jenkins now available on: http://localhost:8080/

JobDSL docs available at: http://localhost:8080/plugin/job-dsl/api-viewer/index.html

Destroy Environment

docker-compose down -v --rmi local

all services are down and data lost
