


ImProve is an imperative programming language embedded in Haskell for high assurance applications. ImProve uses infinite state, unbounded model checking to verify programs adhere to specifications. Yices (required) is the backend SMT solver.

ImProve compiles to C, Ada, Simulink, and Modelica for implementation and system simulation.


Release Notes

0.4.1 ???

0.4.0 07/29/11

0.3.4 04/18/11

0.3.3 04/07/11

0.3.2 04/02/11

0.3.1 03/28/11

0.3.0 03/28/11

0.2.3 12/13/10

0.2.2 12/12/10

0.2.1 12/09/10

0.2.0 12/08/10

0.1.6 12/02/10

0.1.5 11/23/10

0.1.4 11/22/10

0.1.3 11/18/10