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This is an add-in for Fody


Converts all JetBrains ReSharper code annotation attributes to External Annotations, so you can provide R# annotations to 3rd parties but don't need to deploy JetBrainsAnnotations.dll.


  1. Install the JetBrainsAnnotations.Fody NuGet package and update the Fody NuGet package:
PM> Install-Package JetBrainsAnnotations.Fody
PM> Update-Package Fody

The Update-Package Fody is required since NuGet always defaults to the oldest, and most buggy, version of any dependency.

  1. Add JetBrainsAnnotations to your FodyWeavers.xml:
  <JetBrainsAnnotations />

What are JetBrains Annotations

The assembly JetBrains.Annotations.dll is shipped as a nuget package. It provides standard JetBrains ReSharper code annotation attribute implementations. This allows you to better leverage the ReSharper intellisense.

To provide the annotations to 3rd parties you must define JETBRAINS_ANNOTATIONS to include the attributes in your assembly. However now you have a reference and would need to ship the JetBrainsAnnotations.dll with your product.

This Fody plugin adds the define JETBRAINS_ANNOTATIONS to your existing defines, then converts all attributes to an external annotations XML file on the fly, and then removes the reference to JetBrains.Annotations again so you can ship just the text file with your assembly and don't need to deploy JetBrains.Annotations.dll.

For more information about JetBrains Annotations read:

What it actually does to your assembly

What it actually does to your project

What you may need to change manually


<a href="http://thenounproject.com/noun/fighter-jet/#icon-No9259" target="_blank">Fighter Jet</a> designed by <a href="http://thenounproject.com/lukefirth" target="_blank">Luke Anthony Firth</a> from The Noun Project.