

Bringup-Bench Benchmark Suite

Bringup /bring-up/ verb Refers to the process of bringing a newly designed and implemented CPU, accelerator, compiler, or operating system to life and verifying its functionality.


The Bringup-Bench Benchmark Suite is a collection of C code benchmarks that are purpose-built to be useful in "bringing up" newly designed CPUs, acclerators, compilers, and operating systems. Bringup-Bench facilitates the bringup process because i) its benchmarks have zero library dependencies since the "libmin" library included in the repo implements all the necessary library calls, ii) its benchmarks have near-zero system dependencies since only four simple system calls must be implement to support all the benchmarks, and iii) the benchmark build process supports code-based read-only file access, which allows benchmark file inputs to be packaged into the benchmark build.

I (Todd Austin) have used this benchmark suite to bring up new CPUs, new compiler infrastructure and even recently a Turing-complete encrypted computation accelerator. Most developers probably don't need bringup-bench, but if you do need it, you probably need it very badly!

Bringing up Bringup-Bench

To build and test a benchmark, simply enter one of the benchmark directories and execute the following makefile command:

make TARGET=<target> clean build test

This command will first "clean" the benchmark directory and then "build" the application, and "test" that it is running correctly. The <target> indicates the specific target that the application should be built for. Currently, Bringup-Bench support the following targets:

Each benchmark support three standard Makefile targets: build, test, and clean

For example, to build, test and then clean the Bubble Sort benchmark in encrypted mode:

make TARGET=host build
make TARGET=host test
make TARGET=host clean

To assist in running experiments, the top-level Makefile includes a few useful targets:

make TARGET=<target> run-tests   # clean, build, and test all benchmarks in the specified target mode (host, standalone, simple)
make all-clean   # clean all benchmark directories for all supported targets

You should be able to adapt these targets to your own project-specific tasks.


The Bringup-Bench benchmarks were selected for their minimal library and system dependencies, while still being interesting and non-trival codes.i Currently, the benchmark suite supports the following benchmarks. Note that the benchmarks tagged with (FP) require some form of floating point support, and the remaining benchmarks only require integer and string computation.

Minimal library dependencies

Bringup-Bench has no library dependencies, to reduce the amount of system infrastructure needed to get your first application running. Instead of needing system libraries, Bringup-bench implements its own library in "libmin". "libmin" includes most of what simple applications need, including:

See the file "common/libmin.h" for more details.

Minimal system dependencies

To minimize the system OS requirements, the Bringup-Bench only requires four system call interfaces to be implement. The interfaced required are as follows:

/* benchmark completed successfully */
void libtarg_success(void);

/* benchmark completed with error CODE */
void libtarg_fail(int code);

/* output a single character, to wherever the target wants to send it... */
void libtarg_putc(char c);

/* get some memory */
void *libtarg_sbrk(size_t inc);

Once these four interfaces are implemented, all of the Bringup-Bench benchmarks can be built and run. To facilitate testing, the "TARGET=host" target defines the four required system interfaces by passing them on to the Linux OS. In addition, the repo also provides a standalone target "TARGET=sa" which only requires that the target support provbable memory.

Using the code-based read-only file system

Using the code-based read-only file system, it is possible for a benchmark to access a read-only file that is incorporated into its code. To convert an input file to a read-only code-based file, use the following command (shown for the benchmark "anagram"):

python3 scriptsr/file2hex.py words words.h __words

Where "words" is the file to convert, "words.h" is the name of the output header file with the data, and "__words" is the name of the variable defined in the header file "words.h". The resulting file produces two values: __words_sz is the size of the data in the __words array. To access the file, include into a MFILE definition in the benchmark file, for example:

MFILE __mwords = {
MFILE *mwords = &__mwords;

Now the code-based read-only memory file "mwords" is now available for opening, reading, and closing. The following interfaces are available to access memory files:

/* open an in-memory file */
void libmin_mopen(MFILE *mfile, const char *mode);

/* return in-memory file size */
size_t libmin_msize(MFILE *mfile);

/* at end of file */
int libmin_meof(MFILE *mfile);

/* close the in-memory file */
void libmin_mclose(MFILE *mfile);

/* read a buffer from the in-memory file */
size_t libmin_mread(void *ptr, size_t size, MFILE *mfile);

/* get a string from the in-memory file */
char *libmin_mgets(char *s, size_t size, MFILE *mfile);

/* read a character from the in-memory file */
int libmin_mgetc(MFILE *mfile);

Hash-Alone execution

Hash-alone execution targets (e.g., hashalone-host, hashalone-spike) allow pure bare-metal benchmark execution. As such, benchmarks configured for the hash-alone targets can execution completely and verify their results with NO output or input devices. To run the benchmark, simply load its binary and jump to the start address specified in the ELF binary. When the libmin_success() interface is called, simply spin to terminate the program. At completion, the memory variable "__hashval" contains a hash signature of the output of the program as it run, since in this target mode all libtarg_putc() output goes to a FNV1a hash function. The final hash value will indicate the full output of the program. To verify the hash function, use one of the reference hash-alone targets (e.g., hashalone-host, hashalone-spike). For RISC-V targets, to debug a hash-alone output hash signature mismatch, simply use the hashalone-spike target as your golden model -- this target will run the RISC-V binaries deterministically and with the same addresses each time, so it is possible to perform a cycle-by-cycle comparisons against your design-under-test.

Porting the Bringup-Bench to other targets

To port the Bringup-bench to your new CPU, accelerator, compiler, or operating system, you need only concern yourself with the "libtarg.h" and "libmin.c" files. First define a new target specifier in "Makefile" and then add it to the "libtarg.h" and "libtarg.c" files. Inside the "libtarg.h" file you will need to define basic data type sizes plus define how the benchmarks access "vararg" parameter arguments. Inside the "libtarg.c" file, you will need to define the following four system call interfaces:

/* benchmark completed successfully */
void libtarg_success(void);

/* benchmark completed with error CODE */
void libtarg_fail(int code);

/* output a single character, to wherever the target wants to send it... */
void libtarg_putc(char c);

/* get some memory */
void *libtarg_sbrk(size_t inc);

Licensing details

The portions of the benchmark suite that was built by the benchmark team are (C) 2021-2024 and available for use under the Apache License, version 2.0

And, thanks to the respective authors of the benchmarks that were adapted for the Bringup-Bench Benchmark Suite from other efforts.