

Parameterized Temperature Scaling

This repository is the official implementation of Parameterized Temperature Scaling (PTS) from:

"Christian Tomani, Daniel Cremers, Florian Buettner, Parameterized Temperature Scaling for Boosting the Expressive Power in Post-Hoc Uncertainty Calibration, ECCV 2022". [Paper]


The PTS model can be applied as follows:

Generate PTS model

import pts_calibrator
pts = pts_calibrator.PTS_calibrator(
        epochs = ...,
        lr = ...,
        weight_decay = ...,
        batch_size = ...,
        nlayers = ...,
        n_nodes = ...,
        length_logits = ...,
        top_k_logits = ...)

Arguments for PTS model:
epochs: number of epochs for model tuning
lr: learning rate for model tuning
weight_decay: lambda for weight decay in loss function
batch_size: batch_size for model tuning
n_layers: number of layers
n_nodes: number of nodes of each hidden layer
length_logits: length of logits vector
top_k_logits: top k logits used for tuning

Tune PTS model based on validation data

pts.tune(logits_valid, labels_valid)

logits_valid (tf.tensor or np.array): logits based on validation set of shape (N,length_logits)
labels_valid (tf.tensor or np.array): labels based on validation set of shape (N,length_logits)

Calibrate logits

probs = pts.calibrate(logits)

logits (tf.tensor or np.array): logits of shape (N,length_logits)


ECE - Expected calibration error (Guo et al)

Required package from Kumar et al.: pip3 install uncertainty-calibration

ece = metrics.ece(probs, labels)

Negative Log-Likelihood

nll = metrics.nll(probs, labels)

Brier Score

brier = metrics.brier(probs, labels)


If you find this library useful please consider citing our paper:

    author    = {Tomani, Christian and Cremers, Daniel and Buettner, Florian},
    title     = {Parameterized temperature scaling for boosting the expressive power in post-hoc uncertainty calibration},
    booktitle = {In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
    year      = {2022}


Chuan Guo, Geoff Pleiss, Yu Sun, Kilian Q, Weinberger. On Calibration of Modern Neural Networks, ICML 2017.
Ananya Kumar and Percy Liang and Tengyu Ma, Verified Uncertainty Calibration, NeurIPS 2019.