

🗜️ ESP32-targz

An ESP32/ESP8266/RP2040 Arduino library to provide decompression support for .tar, .gz and .tar.gz files

arduino-library-badge PlatformIO Registry

<p align="center"> <img src="ESP32-targz.png" alt="ES32-targz logo" width="512" /> </p>

This library is a wrapper for the following two great libraries:

This library enables the channeling of gz :arrow_right: tar :arrow_right: filesystem data without using an intermediate file (bug: see #4).

In order to reach this goal, TinyUntar was heavily modified to allow data streaming, uzlib is also customized.


When the output is the filesystem (e.g. NOT when streaming to TAR), gzip can work without the dictionary. Disabling the dictionary can cause huge slowdowns but saves ~36KB of ram.

TinyUntar requires 512bytes only so its memory footprint is negligible.


ESP32-TarGz can only have one output filesystem (see Support Matrix), and it must be set at compilation time (see Usage). This limitation does not apply to the input filesystem/stream.


Support Matrix



:warning: Important note: setting the #define before including <ESP32-targz.h> is mandatory otherwise it will be ignored and the library will default to SPIFFS.

    // Set **destination** filesystem by uncommenting one of these:
    //#define DEST_FS_USES_SPIFFS
    //#define DEST_FS_USES_FFAT
    //#define DEST_FS_USES_SD
    //#define DEST_FS_USES_SD_MMC
    #include <ESP32-targz.h>
    // filesystem object will be available as "tarGzFS"

Extract content from .gz file

    // mount spiffs (or any other filesystem)

    GzUnpacker *GZUnpacker = new GzUnpacker();

    GZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    GZUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
    GZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // targzNullProgressCallback or defaultProgressCallback
    GZUnpacker->setLoggerCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback  );    // gz log verbosity

    // expand one file
    if( !GZUnpacker->gzExpander(tarGzFS, "/gz_example.gz", tarGzFS, "/gz_example.jpg") ) {
      Serial.printf("gzExpander failed with return code #%d", GZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

    // expand another file
    if( ! gzExpander(tarGzFS, "/blah.gz", tarGzFS, "/blah.jpg") ) {
      Serial.printf("operation failed with return code #%d", GZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

Expand contents from .tar file to /tmp folder

    // mount spiffs (or any other filesystem)

    TarUnpacker *TARUnpacker = new TarUnpacker();

    TARUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    TARUnpacker->setTarVerify( true ); // true = enables health checks but slows down the overall process
    TARUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
    TARUnpacker->setTarProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // prints the untarring progress for each individual file
    TARUnpacker->setTarStatusProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultTarStatusProgressCallback ); // print the filenames as they're expanded
    TARUnpacker->setTarMessageCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback ); // tar log verbosity

    if( !TARUnpacker->tarExpander(tarGzFS, "/tar_example.tar", tarGzFS, "/") ) {
      Serial.printf("tarExpander failed with return code #%d\n", TARUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

Expand contents from .tar.gz to /tmp folder

    // mount spiffs (or any other filesystem)

    TarGzUnpacker *TARGZUnpacker = new TarGzUnpacker();

    TARGZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarVerify( true ); // true = enables health checks but slows down the overall process
    TARGZUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
    TARGZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // targzNullProgressCallback or defaultProgressCallback
    TARGZUnpacker->setLoggerCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback  );    // gz log verbosity
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // prints the untarring progress for each individual file
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarStatusProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultTarStatusProgressCallback ); // print the filenames as they're expanded
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarMessageCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback ); // tar log verbosity

    // using an intermediate file (default is /tmp/tmp.tar)
    if( !TARGZUnpacker->tarGzExpander(tarGzFS, "/targz_example.tar.gz", tarGzFS, "/tmp") ) {
      Serial.printf("tarGzExpander+intermediate file failed with return code #%d\n", TARGZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

    // or without intermediate file
    if( !TARGZUnpacker->tarGzExpander(tarGzFS, "/targz_example.tar.gz", tarGzFS, "/tmp", nullptr ) ) {
      Serial.printf("tarGzExpander+intermediate file failed with return code #%d\n", TARGZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

Flash the ESP with contents from .gz file

    // mount spiffs (or any other filesystem)

    GzUnpacker *GZUnpacker = new GzUnpacker();

    GZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    GZUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
    GZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // targzNullProgressCallback or defaultProgressCallback
    GZUnpacker->setLoggerCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback  );    // gz log verbosity

    if( ! GZUnpacker->gzUpdater(tarGzFS, firmwareFile, U_FLASH,/*don't restart after update*/false ) ) {
      Serial.printf("gzUpdater failed with return code #%d\n", GZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

ESP32 Only: Flash the ESP with contents from .gz stream

    // mount spiffs (or any other filesystem)

    fs::File file = tarGzFS.open( "/example_firmware.gz", "r" );

    if (!file) {
      Serial.println("Can't open file");

    GzUnpacker *GZUnpacker = new GzUnpacker();

    GZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    GZUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
    GZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // targzNullProgressCallback or defaultProgressCallback
    GZUnpacker->setLoggerCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback  );    // gz log verbosity

    if( !GZUnpacker->gzStreamUpdater( (Stream *)&file, UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN ) ) {
      Serial.printf("gzStreamUpdater failed with return code #%d\n", GZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

ESP32 Only: Direct expansion (no intermediate file) from .tar.gz. stream

    // mount spiffs (or any other filesystem)

    fs::File file = tarGzFS.open( "/example_archive.tgz", "r" );

    if (!file) {
      Serial.println("Can't open file");

    TarGzUnpacker *TARGZUnpacker = new TarGzUnpacker();

    TARGZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarVerify( true ); // true = enables health checks but slows down the overall process
    TARGZUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
    TARGZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // targzNullProgressCallback or defaultProgressCallback
    TARGZUnpacker->setLoggerCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback  );    // gz log verbosity
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // prints the untarring progress for each individual file
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarStatusProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultTarStatusProgressCallback ); // print the filenames as they're expanded
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarMessageCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback ); // tar log verbosity

    if( !TARGZUnpacker->tarGzStreamExpander( (Stream *)&file, tarGzFS ) ) {
      Serial.printf("tarGzStreamExpander failed with return code #%d\n", TARGZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );

ESP32 Only: Direct Update (no intermediate file) from .tar.gz. stream

    TarGzUnpacker *TARGZUnpacker = new TarGzUnpacker();

    TARGZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarVerify( false ); // nothing to verify as we're writing a partition
    TARGZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzNullProgressCallback ); // don't care about gz progress
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // prints the untarring progress for each individual partition
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarStatusProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultTarStatusProgressCallback ); // print the filenames as they're expanded
    TARGZUnpacker->setTarMessageCallback( myTarMessageCallback/*BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback*/ ); // tar log verbosity

    // mount SD

    // this .tar.gz file has both the "app.ino.bin" and "app.spiffs.bin" partitions
    fs::File file = SD.open( "/bundle_firmware.tar.gz", "r" );

    if (!file) {
      Serial.println("Can't open file");

    // this could also be a HTTP/HTTPS/UDP/Ethernet Stream
    Stream *streamptr = &file;

    if( !TARGZUnpacker->tarGzStreamUpdater( streamptr ) ) {
      Serial.printf("tarGzStreamUpdater failed with return code #%d\n", TARGZUnpacker->tarGzGetError() );
    } else {
      Serial.println( "Flashing successful, now restarting" );


    // basic progress callback (valid for tar or gzip)
    void myBasicProgressCallback( uint8_t progress )
      Serial.printf("Progress: %d\n", progress );

    // complex progress callback (valid for tar or gzip)
    void myProgressCallback( uint8_t progress )
      static int8_t myLastProgress = -1;
      if( myLastProgress != progress ) {
        if( myLastProgress == -1 ) {
          Serial.print("Progress: ");
        myLastProgress = progress;
        switch( progress ) {
          case   0: Serial.print("0% ▓");  break;
          case  25: Serial.print(" 25% ");break;
          case  50: Serial.print(" 50% ");break;
          case  75: Serial.print(" 75% ");break;
          case 100: Serial.print("▓ 100%\n"); myLastProgress = -1; break;
          default: if( progress < 100) Serial.print( "▓" ); break;

    // General Error/Warning/Info logger
    void myLogger(const char* format, ...)
      va_list args;
      va_start(args, format);
      vprintf(format, args);

    // status callback for TAR (fired at file creation)
    void myTarStatusProgressCallback( const char* name, size_t size, size_t total_unpacked )
      Serial.printf("[TAR] %-64s %8d bytes - %8d Total bytes\n", name, size, total_unpacked );

Return Codes

*Unpacker->tarGzGetError() returns a value when a problem occured:

Test Suite

Known bugs

- tarGzExpander: files smaller than 4K aren't processed




Alternate links
