

McLighting v2 - The ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget

Gitter Build Status License: MIT version

McLighting (the multi-client lighting gadget) is a very cheap internet-controllable lighting solution based on the famous ESP8266 microcontroller and WS2811/2812 led strips. It features among other things a web-interface, a REST-API and a websocket connector.

Because of it's open architecture and APIs it's easy to build new clients for different platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Universal Apps, Siri/Cortana integration, ...).

Hello, folks,
the McLighting project is currently paused. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, I don't have enough time to support it in the usual way. However, the project is still available and I will help if I can find the time. Meanwhile there is also a large community of users who are happy to help you with any problems, thanks for your effort at this point.
But there won't be any major enhancements at the moment. If you're looking for more features, please have a look at the great fork https://github.com/FabLab-Luenen/McLighting which offers support for RGBW LEDs and an extended UI.
Please also have a look at the great WLED project, if you want to have the latest and greatest features and interfaces for blinking LEDs you want to have today.
If there is anyone of you who would like to help continue the project. Just get in touch with me.

Demo video WebClient

Demo video Apple Homekit integration

The Hardware

The project is based on the ESP8266 and WD2811/WS2812 LED strips. There are many variations of the ESP chip out there, but for beginners we suggest a NodeMCU dev board, as these are as "plug 'n' play"as it can get. A standalone ESP8266 or an Adafruit Huzzah should work too.

The RGB LED strips are also available in many different flavours (as strips or as standalone LEDs) and can easily be chained.

For a detailed explanation see our wiki: Hardware

Software installation

You can read how to get started on the software side of this project again in out wiki: Software installation

Used Libraries

This project uses libraries and code by different authors:

The sketch also uses the following built-in library:

Parts of the code were taken or inspired by the following sources:

Thank you to all the authors for distributing their software that way. I hope I didn't miss any sources and mentioned every author. In case I forgot someone please let me know and I will fix it.





You use this project at your own risk. This is not a solution that should be used in productive environments, but this code and guide could give you a quick start for your own experiments. Please keep also in mind that there are currently some security features missing.

More information will be added as soon as I clean up the code and complete documentation.