


A NodeJS client for fetching inputs, running puzzle challenges and submitting answers to Advent Of Code directly from your JavaScript code.


npm i --save advent-of-code-client

How to use

Initializing the client:

import { AocClient } from 'advent-of-code-client';

const client = new AocClient({
  year: 2020, // the year of the challenge
  day: 1, // the day of the challenge
  token: 'MY_SESSION_COOKIE' // the session cookie from adventofcode.com

Fetching the puzzle input:

const input = await client.getInput();

Submitting answer to a part of the puzzle, in this example part 1:

const success = await client.submit(1, 'myAnswer');

Automatically running the puzzle parts and submitting the answers:

const part1 = (input) => {
  // ...do part 1
  return answer;

const part2 = (input) => {
  // ...do part 2
  return answer;

// true as the second argument means that the answers returned from each part will be automatically submitted
await client.run([part1, part2], true);

Transforming inputs before they are returned from .getInput(). This can be especially useful if you are running your puzzle parts automatically. When using the .setInputTransform(transform) method, the input to each part function will be the transformed / parsed data.

For convenience there are a couple of pre-defined transform functions for commonly used transformations (i.e. splitting data by lines). The pre-defined transform functions are exported as transforms:

import { transforms } from 'advent-of-code-client';


You can also specify your own transform function:

const myTransform = rawData => {
  ... // transform data
  return transformedData;



To be able to fetch inputs and submit answers, you must authenticate against adventofcode.com using the value from your session cookie. You can find it among your browser cookies. Pass it in as the value for the token attribute when you initialize the client.


To prevent unnecessary load on advent-of-code servers, all the requests are cached. So if you for example have previously submitted an incorrect answer and try to submit the same answer again, the client will just return the cached response instead of calling adventofcode.com again.

If you for some reason need to prevent the client from using the cache, you should set the useCache to false when initializing the client (use with caution).

const client = new AocClient({
  ..., // other options
  useCache: false


This is not an official tool for Advent Of Code and I am not in any way affiliated or in cooperation with adventofcode.com. I am a happy user who myself participate in the Advent Of Code challenges, and I wanted to make a tool that would help with fetching inputs and submitting answers.

I created this primarily as a tool for myself to make it easier to work on the Advent Of Code challenges, and decided to share it hoping hat it might help someone else as well. It has worked well for my workflow, however I'm not actively using / maintaining this tool and it might contain bugs. I take no responsibility for any problems that occur either due to misuse or to bugs in the tool. Please keep that in mind in case you decide to use it.