

Generate Your Own Scotland

⚠️OFFICIAL REPOSITORY: github.com/miquel-espinosa/map-sat

Code corresponding to the paper: Generate Your Own Scotland: Satellite Image Generation Conditioned on Maps.

We show that state-of-the-art pretrained diffusion models can be conditioned on cartographic data to generate realistic satellite images. We train the ControlNet model and qualitatively evaluate the results, demonstrating that both image quality and map fidelity are possible.

examples image The above image shows the results of our model. The first column shows the input map, the second column shows the real satellite image, and the rest show the generated satellite images with diffusion models (ControlNet) when conditioned on the OSM map.


Create a conda environment and install the dependencies

conda create -n mapsat python=3.7
conda activate mapsat
pip install -r requirements.txt


Download and preprocess shapefiles

First, download the shapefile data for scotland. This will generate a folder called country_data with the shapefile data for the country of Great Britain.


Next, we will split the shapefile into the region of Scotland (merge into single file), and further select only mainland sctoland.

python create_shapefile_scotland.py

Sample points

To sample points, we will use the script generate_points.py. This file will accept multiple command line arguments. It is required to specify the following:

shapefile image

For instance, to sample 1000 points from the central belt of Scotland, run the following:

python generate_points.py --npoints 1000 --name central-belt

This will generate a subfolder in results/ called central-belt1000 with the following files:

Download tiles

Lastly, we will download the tiles using the script download_tiles.py. This script will accept the following command line arguments:

For instance, to download the tiles for the points file central-belt1000.npy, run the following (assuming the points file has already been generated):

python download_tiles.py --pfile central-belt1000

The image below shows some paired samples from the different datasets as downloaded with the above script.

<p align="center"> <img src="imgs/datasets.png" width=50% height=50%> </p>

ControlEarth training

We train a ControlNet model with the built dataset using the code provided by the diffusers library. It is recommended to compile the dataset as a huggingface dataset.

Model weights

The best performing model, trained on the Central Belt dataset, is publicly available at https://huggingface.co/toastyfrosty/controlearth.

We also publish the model trained on Mainland Scotland at https://huggingface.co/toastyfrosty/controlearth-sct for comparative purposes.