


Update: this plugin is now obsolete and no longer needed as both neovim and vim (since version 8.2.2345) have native support for this functionality.

FocusGained and FocusLost autocommand events are not working in terminal vim. This plugin restores them when using vim inside Tmux.

Here's where that matters:

Also, vim-tmux-focus-events makes the autoread option work properly for terminal vim. So far, this was only working in a GUI version.

The autoread feature comes handy when files are changed outside vim, for example when resolving merge conflicts. When you come back to vim and try saving a changed file you'll likely be interrupted with E813:

vim E813

Improved autoread prevents this by automatically reading a file from disk if it was changed. Works only if autoread option is set (enable it with set autoread in .vimrc).

Installation & Configuration

Vim plugin installation

Tmux configuration

In order for Tmux to do its magic focus-events option has to be set to on.

Enable that by installing tmux-sensible plugin, or by setting this line in tmux.conf:

set -g focus-events on


Tested and working on:


Once installed, the plugin should "just work".

It will have no effect when running GUI vim or inside plain terminal (without Tmux).

Other goodies


Big chunk of code was taken and adapted from vitality.vim.


In April 2013 a patch was submitted to vim_dev mailing list that enables this functionality natively in vim. Once merged, the functionality from the patch will make this plugin obsolete. I hope that day comes soon.
