

kristforge Rust tests

Kristforge is a cross-platform hardware accelerated GPU and CPU krist miner. Kristforge uses OpenCL and accelerated CPU instruction sets to maximize performance, making it the fastest krist miner in existence.



Pre-built 64-bit binaries for Linux and Windows can be found on the release page.


Kristforge supports both CPU and GPU mining. GPU mining is usually faster and more efficient, but modern CPUs can also provide decent speeds.

OpenCL drivers are required for GPU support to work - these are usually included with your graphics drivers, but you may need to manually install them. See your manufacturer's driver/support page for instructions for your specific setup. On Linux systems in particular, these are often packaged separately from graphics drivers, and should be installed through your distribution's package manager.

Kristforge provides many command-line options to configure it to suit your needs, but also intelligently selects defaults that provide near-optimal performance for most users. The default behavior of kristforge is to use all GPU devices and automatically scale up batch sizes, and use as many CPU miner threads as your system has logical cores.


Complete usage information for more advanced configuration can be viewed with kristforge help [subcommand].