

Workspace Sync

NOTE: I wrote this package for my own needs, so it may not generalize well. Feel free to create issues and PRs, but I may be slow to get to them.

Workplace sync is a tool that allows you to write code in one place and automatically keep a remote copy of the code in sync. fsnotify is used to watch the local copy and Pion Data Channels are used to send a copy of the updated file to the remote when a change is detected.


Download the appropriate binary to your local machine and the remote. If one is not provided, compile using

GOOS=<os> GOARCH=<architecture> go build -o sync cmd/workspace-sync/main.go

Usage - Remote

The remote end must be started first because it runs an HTTP server for the local end to send requests. The remote end is configured using the config.json file which must be located at the root of the directory where you want updates to be sent. An example json config is shown below:

    "port": ":50000",
    "iceURL": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"

Start the remote end first:

./linux-workspace-sync --endpoint remote  // if remote end is linux

NOTE: the connection is established via HTTP over localhost. If remote is a server which you SSH into, make sure to forward the port from config.json.

Usage - Local

The local end is configured using a similar config.json containing a few extra fields. An example is shown below:

    "directories": "./",
    "ignore": [".git"],
    "port": ":50000",
    "iceURL": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302",

This this config will recursively watch the current directory and all subdirectories, excluding any paths containing .git. Start the local end with:

./macos-workspace-sync --endpoint local  // if local end is mac