


Some ideas about making plugins in neovim.

Closer to "declarative" style but without introducing another language (.json, .toml, etc.) and allows for things like passing Lua functions, upvalues, required values, etc.



Thoughts: Users

config/*.lua gets sourced at startup, after loading.

For example, if you have a file: config/plugin_one.lua, this will configure a plugin registered with the name plugin_one (plugin registration is talked about later, but end users do not have to worry much about it).

-- file: `config/plugin_one.lua`
return {
  enabled = true,

  -- Change settings of the plugin
  settings = {
    debug  = true,

  -- Set the mappings
  -- Other possible values could be: maps = { default = true }, or similar (not yet decided)
  -- so that you just grab the default values for a plugin.
  -- Invalid mapping names will error (or something like that)
  maps = {
    n = {
      ["<space>kj"] = "TestPlugMappingOne",

One special file in config/*.lua: init.lua.

If you have a config/init.lua then this file expects a slightly differen structure.

return {
  plugin_one = {

  plugin_two = {


Thoughts: Plugin

-- Plugins could do something like this:

local plugin = vim.plugin.register {
  name = "test_plug",

  -- Just some random values from nvim-compe
  settings = {
    debug = {
      type = "boolean",
      desc = "Debug mode.",
      default = false,

    source = {
      type = "table",
      desc = "Sources configuration.",
      default = {
        path = true,
        buffer = true,
      validator = function(t)
        error "validating"

local count = 0

plugin:map {
  name = "TestPlugMappingOne",
  fn = function()
    count = count + 1
    print("Yoo, dawg, we did it: " .. count)
  -- condition = ...
  -- default = ...