


Require as little as possible. Do as little work as possible. Spend hours shaving off milliseconds

See :help lazy


Lazy.nvim is a set of helper functions to make requiring modules easier.

Feel free to just copy and paste these functions out or just add as a
dependency for your plugin / configuration.

Hope you enjoy (and if you have other kinds of lazy loading you'd like to see,
feel free to submit some issues. Metatables can do many fun things).

- https://github.com/tjdevries/lazy.nvim

- https://github.com/sponsors/tjdevries

lazy.require_on_index()                              *lazy.require_on_index()*
    Require on index.

    Will only require the module after the first index of a module. Only works
    for modules that export a table.

lazy.require_on_module_call()                  *lazy.require_on_module_call()*
    Requires only when you call the _module_ itself.

    If you want to require an exported value from the module, see instead

lazy.require_on_exported_call()              *lazy.require_on_exported_call()*
    Require when an exported method is called.

    Creates a new function. Cannot be used to compare functions, set new
    values, etc. Only useful for waiting to do the require until you actually
    call the code.

    -- This is not loaded yet
    local lazy_mod = lazy.require_on_exported_call('my_module')
    local lazy_func = lazy_mod.exported_func

    -- ... some time later
    lazy_func(42)  -- <- Only loads the module now
