


Failwind.nvim is not ready for production. You shouldn't even be LOOKING at this repo, but diabloproject was nice enough to gift some subs.

So... here it is :)

The goal of failwind.nvim is to allow you to write neovim config in a declarative way using CSS. As we all know, css is a very powerful and beautiful language, and we thought that more software should use it.


Step 0: Install neovim

nightly or stable > 0.11.0 is recommended

Step 1: Install nvim-treesitter & css parser

You will need nvim-treesitter for failwind to work becuase it relies on tresitter queries to parse your init.css file. Most distributions and configs have it out of the box, but if your does not, refer to nvim-treesitter docs. Then run :TSInstall css or add css to ensure_installed.

Step 2: Add failwind.nvim as a dependency

Install failwind using your favorite package manager. E.g. with Lazy:

	init = function()
	-- This ensures that nvim-treesitter is installed and loaded **before** failwind.
	dependencies = {"nvim-treesitter"}

init.css file

You can look at the examples/kickstart.css for some inspiration.

Basic operations


Calls lua expression. For example: lua("vim.diagnostic.setloclist()")


Calls vim function vim.fn.stdpath("path") You can call any lua function with this syntax.

Failwind expects your init.css file to contain following sections:

options section

This section is used to set global options for Neovim. Do your usual vim.opt calls here.

keymaps section

This section is used to define keymaps. for each vim mode (normal, visual, etc.) it can have a ruleset with keymaps for that mode. Each keymap is a table with pseudoclass key("key")and the following fields:

plugins section

This section is used to define plugins. It is a ruleset with :repo("repo-name") pseudoclasses as keys. Inside each ruleset you can define the following things: