This Autohotkey Script should solve daily problems whith calculating dates. With this script you can easily retrieve the date of current, passed or comming days.
Read this in other languages: English, German
There are two ways to use the script.
- You download the DateHotkey.exe file from releases and run it.
- You download the DateHotkey.ahk and run it with a installed version of AutoHotkey.
German commands here
Command | Description |
#today[modifier] | Date of current day |
#yesterday[modifier] | Date of yesterday |
#tomorrow[modifier] | Date of tomorrow |
#mo(nday)[modifier] | Date of monday this week |
#tu(esday)[modifier] | Date of tuesday this week |
#we(dnesday)[modifier] | Date of wednesday this week |
#th(ursday)[modifier] | Date of thursday this week |
#fr(iday)[modifier] | Date of friday this week |
#sa(turday)[modifier] | Date of saturday this week |
#su(nday)[modifier] | Date of sunday this week |
#c(alendar)w(eek)[modifier] | Current calendar week |
You can type them in every text boxes, wherever you want.
With the modifier, you can modifie the resulting date. There you can add or substract a specific amount of days, weeks, months or years. That means, if you need the date of monday next week or the calendar week in twenty days, you can easily get them by setting the modifier.
Modifier Regex:
Rules for Modifier
If you want to use the Modifier, you have to follow these rules
- It must contain a valid number
- After the number, you have to declare if you want days, weeks, months or years
- If empty/not declared, default: weeks
#monday4 - Monday in 4 weeks
- If empty/not declared, default: weeks
- Order isn't important, you can write as you want
#sunday3y2d2w2d - Monday in 4 days, 2 weeks and 3 years
Example | Description |
#yesterday | Date of yesterday |
#saturday | Date of saturday this week |
#we | Date of wednesday this week |
#today+4days-6weeks | Todays Date, plus 4 days and minus 6 weeks |
#monday+4days-2days | Date of monday in the week, comming in 2 days |
#tu4days+6w | Date of tuesday in the week, comming in 4 days and 6 weeks |
#yesterday4d6w3months | Yesterdays Date, plus 4 days, 6 weeks and 3 months |
#tomorrow2y4d6w | Tomorrows Date, plus 2 years, 4 days and 6 weeks |
#su500d40y2m | Date of sunday in the week, comming in 500 days, 40 years and 2 months |
#calendarweek4w | Calendar week in 4 weeks |
#cw3d2w4m | Calendar week in 3 days, 2 weeks and 4 months |
You are able to configure the following options: Recognition Key: This will be the key, which is completing your DateHotkey sequence. (F.e. *#today\RETURN KEY\ or #tomorrow\TAB KEY\) Ending Key: This is the key, which will be pressed, after your sequence was replaced. Date Format: There you can configure your prefered formatting for the date string. Language: There you can configure your prefered language.
To access this options, right-click on the TrayIcon in the lower right corner of your taskbar.
If you want to support this project, you have two options:
GitHub Sponsor: here
PayPal Donation: here
Thank you, for your contribution!
Dependencie | Source | Author | License |
Hotstring | source | menixator | Apache 2.0 |
GetDateFormatEx | source | jNizM | Not given |