


This plugin will try to open Sublime Text file paths found on caret positions or partial selections when pressing <kbd>ALT+D</kbd>. It has support for custom prefixes and subfixes. Usefull when doing require style JavaScript modules when no extension specified.

Strings starting with HTTP will open with default browser (if binary, ie ends with png), if not, we will read the file with urllib and open the result in a new view/tab. By setting the "open_http_in_browser" setting in your user preferences to true, we will always open the default browser.

use_strict preference will control if the path should be complete and correct, if not the file will not open and the package will not attempt to find the source file.

In theory this package should work like this:


Will try to resolve to:

If everything else fails will also look into:

It supports:

Reporting an error somewhere

Please, To report an error provide the following information:

  1. Project path (ex: c:/www/website)
  2. Opened file path (ex: c:/www/website/index.html)
  3. Included file line code (ex: a href="../html/views/home/Content/base/t16.shtml" ....
  4. Exact location of included file, in t16.shtml (ex c:/www/website/views/home/Content/base/t16.shtml)
  5. The setting file of this package



  1. create if not exists work only in scope "parameter.url, string.quoted"


Download or clone the contents of this repository to a folder named exactly as the package name into the Packages/ folder of ST.
