

Swipable, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView. Cards UI

<img src="./Screenshot_main.gif" width="400" alt="Swipable, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView" />

Сocoapods installation

Add in your Podfile:<br/>

pod 'TisprCardStack'

please pay attention:

And in your *.swift:

import TisprCardStack

Manual installation

Add TisprCardStackViewCell.swift,TisprCardStackViewController.swift, TisprCardStackViewLayout.swift into your Xcode project.

Usage start

  1. Create controller 'TisprCardStackViewController' with 'TisprCardStackViewLayout' collectionViewLayout

  2. Configuration TisprCardStackViewController,

  1. then specify count of cards,
func numberOfCards() -> Int {}
  1. return cards by index:
card(collectionView: UICollectionView, cardForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> TisprCardStackViewCell {}

Additional features/options

  1. Adding a new card: How to call the animation:
func newCardWasAdded()
  1. How to configure the amount of visible cards in each stack (top and bottom):
      layout.topStackMaximumSize = 4
      layout.bottomStackMaximumSize = 30
      layout.bottomStackCardHeight = 45
  1. Changing card position: How to call the movement of a card from the top to the bottom stack and vice versa:
  1. Delete card:
  1. You can track changing of card stack in method:
  func cardDidChangeState(cardIndex: Int)

For more detail, see the sample project.

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Apache License Version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt