This library is based on the Driver from Landcaster University microbit-dal Radio implementation. To use this library you should have the Microbit Board from sanddeepmistry install, you can get that from here
This library will for now work in 1Mbit simple mode, it is fully function with the runtime also used in the Python and the Java runtime for the microbit.
You have the following function to play with.
- int setTransmitPower(int power); power 0-7
- int setFrequencyBand(int band); band 0-100
- int getRSSI();
- int enable();
- int disable();
- int setGroup(uint8_t group); group 0-255
- int dataReady();
- FrameBuffer* recv();
- int send(FrameBuffer *buffer); frameBuffer struct
struct FrameBuffer
uint8_t length; // The length of the remaining bytes in the packet. includes protocol/version/group fields, excluding the length field itself.
uint8_t version; // Protocol version code.
uint8_t group; // ID of the group to which this packet belongs.
uint8_t protocol; // Inner protocol number c.f. those issued by IANA for IP protocols
uint8_t payload[MICROBIT_RADIO_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; // User / higher layer protocol data
FrameBuffer *next; // Linkage, to allow this and other protocols to queue packets pending processing.
int rssi; // Received signal strength of this frame.
Example of the use can be found in the example library.
But in general you need to do the following.
#include "NRF51_Radio_library.h"
NRF51_Radio MicrobitRadio = NRF51_Radio();
In the setup You can just enable the Radio, the it is ready MicrobitRadio.enable();
And then in the loop.
static long currentMillis;
//Check if there is any data in the buffer
FrameBuffer* myData = MicrobitRadio.recv();
if (myData != NULL) {
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
delete myData; //Remember to delete it
//Fill in some data in the datastruct
myDataSendData->length = 3;
myDataSendData->group = 10;
myDataSendData->version = 12;
myDataSendData->protocol = 14;
//send the data each 5 sec
if (millis() - currentMillis >= interval)
currentMillis = millis();
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);